Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Not just A table. I've never even heard of the company Zaccaria before this.

Same here.
But I always have been fascinated by the art of these tables.
I love pinball art. Zaccaria tables are a must for me.
I just cant play pinball on phones though...
Bring it to PC ! At least.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
This is incredible to play on my Icade mini pinball machine that "Sotie" built for me.

Just Add iPad. I'am running iPad 3 on it with no lag or delays period.

I have been playing all evening and the ball control handling is perfect so "Zsolt" never change these settings and I will be set for life. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!

A video just to show you this $350 machine I bought awhile back.
Zaccarria is awesome on this jewel.

[TimeShock is also perfect on this mini me.]

It's a shame Sotie from Pinside stopped building these. Maybe he will start up again someday soon.

This is (Soties) page from "Pinside Forums" on all his past builds. Enjoy!
Lots Of Pics!!!

iCade Mini Cabinet demo playing The Pinball Arcade - YouTube
▶ 2:14
Jun 16, 2013 - Uploaded by Henry Hill
Mini Pinball Cabinet for iPad utilizing iCade Core Bluetooth circuit board. Gameplay is ...
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New member
Jul 21, 2013
Here is the latest posting from (Sotie) on possibly building the mini marvels again.
Sotie posted this 20 days ago. I just copy and pasted this from his Pinside Forums Thread.

I do not have plans written up for it. The lockdown bar is a real problem and that was a major reason why I haven't made anymore. I found a source that had a big box of brand new lockdown bars from an early 80's table. I purchased his entire stock of them for less than $30 each. It would cost a lot more than that to buy new lockdowns from any other source that I'm aware of. Buttons can be found easily on the internet and I use plexiglass for the backglass which is also easy to come by.

I'm not saying I won't be making them again later on.:eek:
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