Flipper bump
New member
- Jan 20, 2014
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That's a weird lightbeam, I have it too in daymode, but less obvious than your example.
Did you try this: in graphic settings hit 'default', then switch to night mode and set inside light 100% & outside light 100%.
Yes., tried this but then i get this,

And i just dont like this view, because its all reddish, dark and vage, i dont see the crisp nice artwork, it took a long time of bughunting to get the lightning back on all elements of the tables, and now the only alternative of getting rid of this distracting beam is having to switch to nightmode, and this is personally not the way its supposed to be.

this is not conform the lightning on the Real Zacc tables.
If this beam is ment to be caused by the incoming daylight from outside the building, i would certainly move the table to another location !!
I respect the opinion from others who like this view but then please give the opportunity to shut this beam off.
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