I really hope that there is a typo in this article!!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Man, that was a fire that was about to turn into an inferno! Yes, back to petty griping as usual now. Just the way we like it!


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I thought Zen games were crap the last time I played them. Maybe I'll give them another try. Does Zen have leaderboards and tournaments like TPA?

I gave a new chance to Zen Pinball when there was sales on all Star Wars tables a few months ago. I must admit that there is a lot of improvement (I played Zen 1 mainly -core tables + Ninja Gaiden, Street Fighter and Earth Defense, then the free Zen 2 but not so much).

Even if Zen and TPA are not really comparable (TPA tries to be a simulation, Zen is an arcade game with a pinball theme), I came back quickly to TPA, which is far more enjoyable in what it tries to deliver in terms of pinball videogaming experience.

And yes, Zen has leaderboards (better than in TPA by the way), but the tournaments are almost non-existent (at least on PS3).
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New member
Oct 26, 2013
I came across the news on Facebook and was not aware of this "typo" thingie. Had to reread the topic from the beginning ^^
Anyway, more stern on the way for us, good news ^^

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Which tables? You can reposition and resize the DMD in the options menu.
I recently read that Zen also supports a DMD on a second screen.

if you play in portrait mode and dont' have a second monitor you can globally set the dmd to the top or the bottom
however everytable has different spacing so some tables have 3 or 4 inches of empty space at bottom..set dmd to bottom
load the next table...the dmd is sitting on top of the flippers...same with mini tables where it loads like in world war hulk..the dmd covers the whole flipper section.
I made a whole thread a bout how to fix them and which ones were a mess..and the community manager answer was..hmmm no plans to address at this time.

edit heres link to thread with screenshots of issues.

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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I need a lie down after reading all the that.

Now we have Mike Lindsey's attention, can you Mike please give us more info on this 'cab support on hold' decision?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Well, to be persnickety. A typo is "Garsight." This was just an all out "what was the name of that digital pinball company again? Oh yeah. That's it."

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Thank God all I really want is Family Guy and Tron Legacy, I hope this means Monopoly, and Rollercoaster Tycoon will come out. Whatever Stern and Farsight workout, I will be happy. This just reminded me, when Gary talked at the Freeplay Florida event last November, he did bring up games on Farsight possibly. I will be curious to what he has to say this November, it will be very interesting.


New member
Sep 10, 2013
Great news that Farsight is working with Stern on this! No offense to Zen Studios or anything, I just greatly prefer Farsight's work. :D


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Correction on IGN:

"Game of Thrones pinball will not be available in digital form at launch, but Dankberg says they are working on digitizing Stern games from the past and present with FarSight Studios. The ultimate goal is to one day co-release a digital and physical version of a pinball machine."



Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012

Editor's Note: A previous version of this article stated that Stern is working with Zen Pinball on digitizing their games. This was an error; Stern is working with FarSight Studios on this project. The article has been amended to reflect the correction.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Man, that was a fire that was about to turn into an inferno! Yes, back to petty griping as usual now. Just the way we like it!

OK...Since we have received approval to resume petty griping :D, would it be safe to assume that the Stern/Farsight deal is the "business reason" that cab support is cancelled?

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