Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

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May 10, 2013
Surveying my hi-score list, I've hit 1.5 million once and also have a 1.3 and 1.2. Total surprise to me. Must've done that long ago.

So, this morn I played about 10 warm-up games and never cleared 300,000. I broke through and bashed out a brilliant 900,500 score, and then dropped back to playing warm-up games. Can they be called warm-up games if you never actually warm up?

This looks like it's going to be a long week.


New member
Jan 3, 2015
I played Genie just a hour, this table is a hard beast, completed 2 wizard Goals right now, I always thought I would never get one.
Stupid thing it were the two easier ones, three to go.
Maybe I will get the "special" wizard goal but 3millions and the 3 extra balls sound impossible to me, I'am not so good.
In the last game I got two extra balls lite up's but I didn't hit the lite up's, so I lost the ball at the left outlane.
The left outlane is a unpredictable pain in the @ss, nuding at your own risk, all i can say about.
Overall I like this table, I set my goal's to get the special, whatever it is, the instruction for it is strange on PS4.
Then I will try to get the 3 extra balls, all in one game or ball needed? or does it count for all games? think not, would be much easier.
By the way my Highscore (or better called Lowscore) is 744,660. I will never get 3 millions. ;) but I don't care, but I'am curious if I can reach 1 Million at least.
I will play Genie over the coming week once in a while.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
If you really want that 3M wizard goal, you need patience. A lot of it.

I only watched the first ball. I don't know what mojo you put down to allow the ball to not go out the left outlane, because I have to nudge to save my life every time! I did see a lot of dead flipper passes, I'm gonna have to try that. I also have zero control with the upper flippers, and that seems to be where you racked up the bonus score quickly.

Grrrr, back to the Genie grind.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In the last game I got two extra balls lite up's but I didn't hit the lite up's, so I lost the ball at the left outlane.

I just had a game where on 3 different balls I had the special, bonus, and extra ball lit and couldn't hit any of 'em. Total frustration.


New member
Jan 3, 2015
I just had a game where on 3 different balls I had the special, bonus, and extra ball lit and couldn't hit any of 'em. Total frustration.

I know the feeling very well, the whole effort for nothing.
By the way it's like in "Star Wars IV" in the trench run scene, where Red Leader in his X-wing fires his proton torpedo into the Death Stars exhaust port and misses.
Another chapter for themself is the "left Outlane" - it's like the wheel of fortune.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well, I still have the 3M goal to get. And I did just complete Dragon Age Inquisition. And there's nothing remotely interesting happening in the next two weeks (basically until the Superbowl), besides Starship Troopers on Friday.

So yeah, I'll get my Genie on. My wife says I need a haricut anyway.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I love genie. but I really suk at it... I always get trapped into going for 5x and then get side tracked.. never made the 3 mil goal

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
So we don't need screenshots or anything of your high score until the day if the tourney. At that point it's going to be what you can get for a high score in that day. If we all think we can be honest with each other, I'd say everyone gets 2 cracks at the table and gets the higher of the two scores.

Like I said, figure out those details later.

So I'm down to needing the 3 EBs and the 3 million. I can get the extra ball lit in the upper play area, but shooting for it is pure chance on my part. And I thought shooting for the bonus hole was tricky!

Also realizing nudge is important to use on this one. Only way to survive the left outlanes.

It's king of like getting the extra ball in HRC. Pure luck once it's lit. ;)

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I only watched the first ball. I don't know what mojo you put down to allow the ball to not go out the left outlane, because I have to nudge to save my life every time! I did see a lot of dead flipper passes, I'm gonna have to try that. I also have zero control with the upper flippers, and that seems to be where you racked up the bonus score quickly.

Grrrr, back to the Genie grind.

Yeah yeah....I bow to you!! ;)


May 10, 2013
Watching the movie was pretty inspiring. I see much of my game in there, except for the 3 million part. I go through some of the same progressions, but I can't hit that top right bonus hole on command to save my life. I end up madly flipping and thrashing about when that light goes on. And yeah, the bumper above the left outlane pounds me down and out on a much more consistent basis.

After watching, though, I'm getting into the 700,000 range pretty consistently, and bubbled up for a 900,300 game. I think it helped. I feel like I'm almost one third of the way there! Almost.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Finally got my 360 wrapper to work.
I prefer playing on keyboard but the digital nudge is just awful to use on this table. Needs lots of shimmying and smaller pushes (analog input).

Still, it is a pretty bad workaround. Now if one could incorporate a gyro on the keyboard so it translates to nudging as it gets pushed around, now that would be neat (guess I would have to stop having it on my knees then though...)

Lets see if I ever get used to this controller instead of keyboard...


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Good idea this table of the week thing. But is choosing Genie to kick this off the best way to lure people in? :) Three pages and 53 posts in, it looks there are a lot of masochists present.....
Anyway, I'm at 1.4M since God knows when, and the only wizard goal left is the 3M one. There is a very good strategy thread that I remember, with one guy providing a do/don't (save/not save) shot graph that helped me a lot. I also have become much better at preventive tilting and deadpassing, so I'll give it a try. If I end up psychotic or otherwise mentally incapacitated, it's on your head Shutyertrap! :)


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Good idea this table of the week thing. But is choosing Genie to kick this off the best way to lure people in? :) Three pages and 53 posts in, it looks there are a lot of masochists present.....
Anyway, I'm at 1.4M since God knows when, and the only wizard goal left is the 3M one. There is a very good strategy thread that I remember, with one guy providing a do/don't (save/not save) shot graph that helped me a lot. I also have become much better at preventive tilting and deadpassing, so I'll give it a try. If I end up psychotic or otherwise mentally incapacitated, it's on your head Shutyertrap! :)

El Dorado is next!


New member
Jan 5, 2015
I love this idea. As for this table, I really suck lol. I have 2 standard goals left (Earn EB and score 500k). Current HS is 439,500. Hopefully I will be at least to the Wizard Goals before this thread closes


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Good idea this table of the week thing. But is choosing Genie to kick this off the best way to lure people in? :) Three pages and 53 posts in, it looks there are a lot of masochists present.....

Anyone who knows me or has paid attention to my posts in the past would know I didn't pick Genie intentionally :D I put all the tables into an online list randomizer and this is what came up first. (I will admit if it had picked Goin' Nuts, I'd have gone with #2) I'll continue to let the randomizer pick each week unless the group as a whole really really wants a particular table. After watching people's passions for certain tables come up in the recent poll, I thought it better to let fate take control instead of my own personal biases.

And hey, I'm quite pleased with the response. Hopefully it only gets bigger as the weeks go on. I don't think people have talked this much about Genie since it was first released. Suddenly it feels fresh.


New member
Jul 28, 2013
I agree, it does feel fresh. This is one of the few TPA tables I played IRL (when it first came out), and remember the goal was to make that quarter last as long as possible by getting replays.

Until now, I pretty much shelved it because of the frustration of my lack of attaining the 3 million wizard goal and my embarrassing all time high score of 87k.

With my newfound interest, here's a few thoughts/observations:

Yes, it's a drain monster... But I did notice having a bit more control with camera angle 2/scrolling. Seems to give me a bit more advanced notice when to nudge, especially when the ball is traveling from the top right towards the space between the flippers.

I've also noticed nudging when the ball is near the left bumper often causes it to stray away from the dreaded left outlane and back to the main playfield.

Like my experience playing IRL, I focus on getting the bonus multiplier as high as possible and the spinner (when lit) to advance the bonus points.

When I get a target lit for an EB, I tend to choke and drain when I focus trying to hit the target (the ones on the right). I put it in my head to continue going for points instead of worrying about getting the EB, figuring a random hit will come sooner or later.

Only played a few games since Genie was announced as table of the week, so time will tell if I can at least beat my high score. Setting my personal goal at 1 million, and I have a couple of days off to work at it.

Looking forward to how all else is doing!


Mar 5, 2014
Cool idea. I haven't touched Genie since I just barely cleared the 3M goal half a year ago, but it's about time to dust it off! 1.4M on my first game so hopefully I can beat my pb. I love the shot through the spinner from the right flipper when the bonus spins up like crazy :) I know the strategy guide suggested to not go for that shot, but I think it's a winner.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Table of the week is a great idea! And it's a good idea to let the randomizer decide rather than a vote.

For Genie I had these wizard goals open:

On Android: Everything except "Bonus from Kickout". During my lunchbreak I also got "Special" and "145k Bonus". High Score: 645,920
On PC: "3 Extra Balls" and "3m Points". High Score: 873,130

Would love to get the missing goals on PC at least.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
I'd love to hear what you think the differences between the platforms you play. I only got the PC and don't intend to get it on my phone; I'd rather read than play games whilst shuttling between places.

Ofcourse PC must be allot harder to play on because I haven't broken the 3mill yet :p
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