Menu bug -
After entering initials for highscore, when you get to the second initial input for 'most ships sunk', if you repeatedly press the select button (in between the initial arrows) in the slight pause before the initials appear on dmd for the second time, another game starts with the 'enter initials' gui still showing.
I had a BT controller connected at the time, and it started a new game but with flippers & plunger working, but no nudge.
All touch screen inputs were disabled including the ability to exit the table.
I had to play past the autosave and allow all 3 balls to drain to get back to the main menu. The 'enter initials' gui disappeared after the countdown timer expired.
Frequency - had it happen twice now.
Artwork is awesome on this BTW, spent a happy 10mins just panning around the table exploration in pro menu. Nice work!
I have also experienced the ball through the right flipper in BR on this latest build. Not sure how to reproduce it though.
I'm getting the "ball thru flipper" glitch (also present in WhiteWater) on the right flipper.
Didn't see it in the first build and only had a hand full of games on the new one.
Must be a cdn thing, ill purge the directory.
Also, take note how the star rollovers behave in Fire Power now (they are animated!). Tuning for pop bumpers and the upper eject is great now.
Damn, you sure didn't make it easier, that's for sure! Everything is faster and harder. Only thing easier is the 3-way ricochet. And the whirlpool. The locker loop is almost, dare I say it, too hard. The ball is all over the place. And I'm sure not one to complain about difficulty. I love the challenging tables. Well maybe I'll get used to it![]()
And I forgot to mention that the wireform switch blades protruding through the playfield are also animated now.
They are hard to see because they are currently black, but in view 3 on this build, I was able to see them move.
Stuart mentioned that this animation will begin to roll into older tables as time progresses. Mike R managed to code it all just last week, so it is a new feature. Thanks Mike R for adding to the realism of the simulation.
If you want to see the ball-goes-through-flipper bug please see the attached YouTube link. It is right after starting Double Broadside mode.
Just tried the new beta. Got the ricochet almost immediately. ☺ Noticed the wizard award for a special has been replaced by 32m double broadside (fair). Also the game just got really difficult. No more endlessly looping the Davey Jones locker ramp. Glad I got the other wizard modes already. ☺
I don't understand the disparity in view angles per table either, netizen. I don't understand why when creating the angles for each DLC, preset x/y/z angle ratios are pulled from the presets and applied to all view cameras?
This might be worthy of an explanation from the "camera guy" Ryan. Good fodder for the next podcast (we need more material...)
Are we missing something regarding the camera view settings? Is there some reason why the camera angles are set differently per table? Something to do with certain details on the table that are obscured when the camera axis from other builds are applied for a given camera view?
I found out how to reproduce the ball through the right flipper 100% of the time. When the ship fires the ball back to the flippers from the cannon, raise the right flipper just as the ball is passing over the rotating playfield cannon (not before) and the ball will pass through the right flipper every time. I'll test this on iOS as soon as I get home and pass this along so this issue is resolved before release.
I've seen this behaves just before and the first time on this table (beta 22b), but I could catch the ball: it was only to 50% through the flipper - very,very, very temporary on other table's too (to less to report this one)When the ship fires the ball back to the flippers from the cannon, raise the right flipper just as the ball is passing over the rotating playfield cannon (not before) and the ball will pass through the right flipper every time.
I can agree - now it's not so easy anymore to catch and hold the ball on the L-Flipper - Multiball was just started - only hold the L-Flipper up - and run with the right one in a continuous loop to collect all needed char for the ships.When the ball is returned to the L Flipper from the Pirates Cove if you try and catch it on a raised flipper the ball will bounce up and over the slingshot and then roll over the top and into the left out lane; this has happened 100%
The new plunger camera view is supposed to give the player a better view of the skill shot. The old plunger camera was pulled too far back and made it harder for the player to see what they were aiming for.