The PS3 "super patch"

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Downloaded a patch for Zen Pinball 2 Saturday, what's that all about? So apparently games CAN be patched without the store having to be updated?


Nov 11, 2012
European users: if any of you wants to document the changes, please take detailed screenshots (digital camera or a HDMI recorder) of the tables before applying the patch, then again after applying the patch.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Some people dont have this patch yet... And meybe never will :/
We still don't have it? I'd love to know if the update was submitted to both regions at the same time and one takes longer, or one needed to have stuff fixed... or SOMETHING. What happened to the week difference between the platforms?

I can't even test 3D if I login via a US PSN account because you have to restart TPA to apply 3D but the "demo" doesn't save any changes. ARGH.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
European users: if any of you wants to document the changes, please take detailed screenshots (digital camera or a HDMI recorder) of the tables before applying the patch, then again after applying the patch.

I wanted to do this the last week-end, but the screenshots with my low-quality digital camera were crappy (big "glow" on each shiny colors). Hard to see any details.

And then I thought it would be easier to capture screenshot directly from high quality video on Youtube, no? (in 720p or 1080p, just find a good PS3 video).

If the changes brought by the super patch are so huge (like everybody says), it will be easy to see some differences.

Well, one more day too go before the UK/EU weekly store update, fingers crossed.

If there is no update available this night, don't expect too much for tomorrow. A patch for TPA comes always before the PS Store update (generally during tuesday night / wednesday early morning).
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Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
Just seen this on Facebook:

The Pinball Arcade The megapatch, according to Sony Europe, is set for either the last week of April or the first week of may. Sorry for the delay.

Another week or 2 (or more) to wait :(
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New member
Jun 30, 2013
Well, I'm dissappointed but atleast we have something to look forward to.
Would have been worse to see: "The megapatch, according to Sony Europe, will not be made available in the Europe region due to *insert reason here*".

Remember, we ARE getting it. For free.
There are other companies that just leave their fans in the cold completely. I'm looking at you 2K games (XCOM:Enemy Unknown and XCOM: Enemy Within are great games, but so buggy and slow on PS3 ... they never fixed the most important bugs (crashes/memory leaks/slow loading), or atleast I haven't checked in quite a while because I was so disgusted by the fact that XCOM:EW didn't fix any of the crashes/slowness of XCOM:EU).


New member
Sep 9, 2013
If it's any consolation, the new Star Wars Pinball pack is out today. I know for some of you that will be no consolation (you have made your opinions clear), but for others should scratch your pinball itch for the time being.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
If it's any consolation, the new Star Wars Pinball pack is out today. I know for some of you that will be no consolation (you have made your opinions clear), but for others should scratch your pinball itch for the time being.

Might be the reason for the patch being pushed back. I think it happened before, Farsight's DLC being delayed until after the release of Zen Pinball 2.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Might be the reason for the patch being pushed back. I think it happened before, Farsight's DLC being delayed until after the release of Zen Pinball 2.

Don't think so. it would be incredibly unfair for Sony to delay Farsight's submission for so long and then delay it even more because a competitor product was launching. I know Star Wars is a big license but that's plain favouritism. Unless Farsight are doing it out of courtesy, or deliberately to avoid customers having to choose.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
If it's any consolation, the new Star Wars Pinball pack is out today. I know for some of you that will be no consolation (you have made your opinions clear), but for others should scratch your pinball itch for the time being.

Nope, not today:

"This new gameplay trailer shows off the latest DLC effort from the pinball wizards at Zen Studios, which is due on April 29 on Android, iOS, Mac, PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Vita and Xbox 360. Heroes Within adds four new tables to the core Star Wars Pinball game, bringing the total of DLC tables to date to ten."

If it was, then yesterday's Masters of the Force trailer wouldn't still be saying "Coming Soon".


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Nope, not today:

"This new gameplay trailer shows off the latest DLC effort from the pinball wizards at Zen Studios, which is due on April 29 on Android, iOS, Mac, PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Vita and Xbox 360. Heroes Within adds four new tables to the core Star Wars Pinball game, bringing the total of DLC tables to date to ten."

If it was, then yesterday's Masters of the Force trailer wouldn't still be saying "Coming Soon".

I'm sure that they said on theit twitter or something yesterday that it starts rolling out today. Sorry for the misinformation.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
I'm sure that they said on theit twitter or something yesterday that it starts rolling out today. Sorry for the misinformation.

No worries, as much as I would like them (and indeed, the Pinball Arcade patch/S3 tables), I can't afford them just yet anyways!

I checked their twitter, and found a post from 12 hours ago to their official blog, with the date and more info on each of the individual tables, a nice read!


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Downloaded a patch for Zen Pinball 2 Saturday, what's that all about? So apparently games CAN be patched without the store having to be updated?

That'll be for the upcoming Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within pack, as the PS Vita, unlike the PS3, actually has a rather useful change log each patch, plus keeps a history of every update.

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