Table Pack #28 Speculation

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Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
I'll never understand all the reporting that goes on here? A forum is a place to discuss things, not report people every 50 seconds.

A Poll section it is, I guess. Thanks for keeping them alive.

Have you seen how quickly even the slightest things get reported on Wikipedia? Some people just get their kicks out of reporting people. Sometimes, it's because they think they're doing something good by tidying up the place and consider unnecessary content messy. Sometimes, it's more sinister, doing so to exert their power because they want to feel superior.

These people tend to be the same people who will overreact the most when they themselves get reported. (That being said, at least judging on my experience on Wikipedia, the "deletionists," as they're referred to, rarely ever add anything or contribute to discussions themselves. They just go and report or remove stuff with minimal explanation.)
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
Have you seen how quickly even the slightest things get reported on Wikipedia? Some people just get their kicks out of reporting people. Sometimes, it's because they think they're doing something good by tidying up the place and consider unnecessary content messy. Sometimes, it's more sinister, doing so to exert their power because they want to feel superior.

These people tend to be the same people who will overreact the most when they themselves get reported. (That being said, at least judging on my experience on Wikipedia, the "deletionists," as they're referred to, rarely ever add anything or contribute to discussions themselves. They just go and report or remove stuff with minimal explanation.)

I don't know these people but I hate them. The only thing I ever report is spam. But even they aren't as bad as these "deletionishts" as you say they're called. Try probably are tree hugging bleeding hearts that need everything to be politically correct and wish to change history to suit their own purposes of a happy little world they live in.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'll never understand all the reporting that goes on here? A forum is a place to discuss things, not report people every 50 seconds.

I'm shocked over some of the stuff people report over. We the Mods get sent notices every time something is reported. 9 times out of 10 I'll click on the link and not understand what the fuss is over. I'm fairly lax on what I'll let slide, as I'm sarcastic by nature and can read sarcasms well too. I personally believe a forum is only as good as its membership, and if the membership is keeping people in line without resorting to personal attacks, then leave it be. That's me though.

I have had stuff pointed out to me by the seasoned Mods, that once I heard their reasoning and the history behind it, I understand completely the actions taken. What looks innocent to me turns out to be a long running history across many threads of one user targeting another.

We're also thinking of adding a FAQ/noob forum, where all those questions (specifically about TAF) that drive everyone nuts that's been around for longer than 6 months are going to go. That way everyone can just link to that section rather than jump down a person's throat who doesn't know any better. After all, we've all been that person at one time!


Apr 7, 2014
I don't know these people but I hate them. The only thing I ever report is spam. But even they aren't as bad as these "deletionishts" as you say they're called. Try probably are tree hugging bleeding hearts that need everything to be politically correct and wish to change history to suit their own purposes of a happy little world they live in.

HEY! I'm a "Tree hugging bleeding heart" and I sure as heck don't report anything! lol.

I honestly think the only time I've ever reported something on a forum was when I was "warned" because I used a cuss word. When I informed the Mod that cuss words were posted all the time at this forum, he warned me again. (I'll always get a kick out of Mod power trips!). So, I just started reporting every cuss word I saw, which ended up being 5-6 times a day, until they took away my Reporting feature. lol. I think I had made my point.

Beyond that, I don't care. I have people disagree with me on here all the time, it even gets a little heated, but that's what Forums are for- Discussion.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'm shocked over some of the stuff people report over. We the Mods get sent notices every time something is reported. 9 times out of 10 I'll click on the link and not understand what the fuss is over. I'm fairly lax on what I'll let slide, as I'm sarcastic by nature and can read sarcasms well too. I personally believe a forum is only as good as its membership, and if the membership is keeping people in line without resorting to personal attacks, then leave it be. That's me though.

I have had stuff pointed out to me by the seasoned Mods, that once I heard their reasoning and the history behind it, I understand completely the actions taken. What looks innocent to me turns out to be a long running history across many threads of one user targeting another.

We're also thinking of adding a FAQ/noob forum, where all those questions (specifically about TAF) that drive everyone nuts that's been around for longer than 6 months are going to go. That way everyone can just link to that section rather than jump down a person's throat who doesn't know any better. After all, we've all been that person at one time!

So do you get a lot of reported posts on driveway cheese? Assuming you do this post will probably be reported too!

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
I don't know these people but I hate them. The only thing I ever report is spam. But even they aren't as bad as these "deletionishts" as you say they're called. Try probably are tree hugging bleeding hearts that need everything to be politically correct and wish to change history to suit their own purposes of a happy little world they live in.

They report and delete things for reasons that are entirely disconnected from politics. There are people from every part of the political spectrum who love removing things. Rather, they do so for personal satisfaction. To reiterate, these are the reasons they do what they do:
1. Because they think the place is cluttered, and removing things will make it look more orderly and efficient.
2. They want to feel superior to other people because they have the power to remove things other people have made.
3. They have a grudge against someone or a group of people.

For the first reason, you see it every time Wikipedia has an issue with an article whose disputed status is "Notability." The idea is to prevent articles for every single person on Earth and every garage band there's ever been, but the problem lay in where people draw the line. No one is going to argue that Romeo and Juliet is not notable, but even stuff like Family Guy and Pokémon have been under attack from people who claim they are not notable and that they should not have Wikipedia coverage. (This succeeded with TV Tropes, to where a policy was made to never make any mention of the site.) As for the latter two reasons, YouTube once had a major issue with this, as in 2012-13, someone who got reported three times in one week had his or her account removed. This caused a few people to make two sock puppet accounts and reported anyone whom they wanted to pick on from all three accounts so they could ban anyone they wanted.

All three types have telltale signs. Those who want the place to look orderly and efficient tend to want to remove idle chat and off-topic discussions. They tend to have a VERY uptight, formal and no-nonsense attitude. If the place is a forum, will only talk on a limited variety of subjects compared to regulars and typically limit their posts to one or two sentences, tops. Those who do so to feel powerful will tend to look for loopholes or other ways to exploit the system in place. They like to shed crocodile tears. If the place is a forum, they will make very few posts or even none at all to stay below the radar and because they themselves are afraid of it happening to themselves. The third category has a limited range and will repeatedly report or delete stuff from one particular person or a group sharing a belief or opinion. As their intentions are to silence their enemies, this type is incredibly outspoken and will take every opportunity to verbally harass or make potshots at something or someone.

We're also thinking of adding a FAQ/noob forum, where all those questions (specifically about TAF) that drive everyone nuts that's been around for longer than 6 months are going to go. That way everyone can just link to that section rather than jump down a person's throat who doesn't know any better. After all, we've all been that person at one time!

I'd like to see a topic that covers and defines some commonly-used pinball terminology and jargon. The Pinball Arcade, as a video game, probably gets a lot of people who have never played pinball before, and they may get confused as to what a VUK or a diverter is. (Definitely, Lord of the Rings refers to VUKs right on the dot matrix display, and that I don't like.)

Should I do that? One of the first things I did when getting into pinball was to find pinball glossaries and read them.
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I don't personally like the polls much - but I just avoid them and don't participate. Not hard to do.
I certainly don't like seeing them deleted and locked off.
Some really enjoy this and get a lot from it. Good for them.

Over control unfortunately.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
We're also thinking of adding a FAQ/noob forum, where all those questions (specifically about TAF) that drive everyone nuts that's been around for longer than 6 months are going to go. That way everyone can just link to that section rather than jump down a person's throat who doesn't know any better. After all, we've all been that person at one time!

I think that this is an excellent idea!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think we're just waiting on Gord to create the sub forums, and then everything will be back up and running. I'll let the guys know there are unhappy campers with the polls being locked.

As for creating a thread about commonly used terminology, go for it. It's your forum, create topics you think need existing! When a FAQ sub forum gets created, we can always move it into there.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
Sure, I'll get to work on a pinbal terminology page. I'll try to make it as beginner-friendly as possible, which I think I can do as I am still technically a beginner.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Personally, I thought the Polls were awesome and very entertaining. It's not like much else was being discussed in the General Section anyway. lol

I'll never understand all the reporting that goes on here? A forum is a place to discuss things, not report people every 50 seconds.

A Poll section it is, I guess. Thanks for keeping them alive.

You should try posting on the Xtreamer forums, they are like mini Hitler's over their, i dont think i ever had some many of my posts moved, re-edited, or striked out. You cant say a bad word about any of their products even if its a genuine problem your having, and if you even slightly deviate from the forum topic your posted gets striked out and get a black mark against your profile. Waste of time having the forum really!

On a side note shall i start a poll to see if me need a poll about a poll forum??? :D
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New member
Sep 22, 2013
So you guys know, a separate poll sub forum is being created. The current polls are not lost, just hidden at the moment. Apparently the complaint was having 10 polls (I exaggerate) suddenly pop up on the 'general game' thread, and all of them looking alike in title because the full thing gets cut off until you click on it. The 'general game' thread has kind of gotten out of control because people start threads there instead of in a dedicated thread that might be more appropriate.

In other words, certain Mods are trying to do a little house cleaning to keep this forum orderly and easy to deal with. I just nod my head and go, "sounds good!"

Sounds good!


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Any love for Sorcerer? It was in previous Farsight collections and I enjoyed playing it there. I'd like to see it given the full treatment and have it come out as good as "Firepower" did (one of the best TPA table recreations IMHO). But I can see that people might moan if it was a single table release on it's own, I hope that doesn't mean we'll never get it. I wouldn't even mind Jive Time just for completeness sake, I remember playing that a lot just to get the flipping wizard goals on my PSP.
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