The Addams Family - Progress Thread

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
If they start now, there's a BIG chance this will open up Season 4 with a BANG. Would also be a pretty epic birthday present :)


New member
May 18, 2013
I'm assuming they'll have TAF outside of the seasons, so it's a separate purchase. Having licensed tables in the seasons doesn't make much fiscal sense.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm assuming they'll have TAF outside of the seasons, so it's a separate purchase. Having licensed tables in the seasons doesn't make much fiscal sense.

EVERY single previous licensed tables have been part of its' season.


New member
May 18, 2013
True, but they didn't offer season passes before the season was closed then. I'm no expert, and have no special knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised or perturbed if they did this.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
THe proper strategy depends on the setup of the individual machine. specifically the difficult of the chair, the bear kick ramp and the vault.

If the vault is an easy shot, then multiball (and thing or quick multiball) is worth much more then touring, and jackpots will be very easy. However, if the vault is difficult, then the bear kick for the left flipper is usually very easy, and thus shooting it to relight the chair, and then shooting the chair after is the main strategy. But heaven help you if you brick it off that right flipper. it's safer from the left, but you can't feed the left flipper except by dead bouncing it from the swamp kickout, which is had to get the ball to safely.

ALso note that the power only interferes with one single ball round (seance), but is on for all multiballs, and when showtime multiball is LIT as well. It DOES, however, shut off to let THING make his shot into the swamp.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
True, but they didn't offer season passes before the season was closed then. I'm no expert, and have no special knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised or perturbed if they did this.

Season 2 passes were offered before the season was closed. That's why a lot of people were irked at all the Gottliebs that finished off the season. That being said, neither season 4 nor the table has been released yet, so there's no reason why FarSight can't still keep TAF separate if they wanted to. Never say never right?
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New member
Sep 22, 2013
Season 2 passes were offered before the season was closed. That's why a lot of people were irked at all the Gottliebs that finished off the season. That being said, neither season 4 nor the table has been released yet, so there's no reason why FarSight can't still keep TAF separate if they wanted to. Never say never right?

Yeah. I bought my season 2 pass after T2 thinking the season would end awesomely..... I do like Victory.

I can't imagine TAF wouldn't be part of season 4 though.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
To celebrate i just ordered the blu ray of The Addams Family(and also the sequel on dvd).Saw and enjoyed them back in the day.Will be interesting to revisit and see how they hold up.
Hope the kickstarter will be a massive success.Not only for TAF but also potential future license tables.I dream of The Shadow but alas that table will probably never be able to join TPA.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I said it in another thread and I am hoping that Farsight changes course and makes TAF separate from the seasons. Maybe have Season 3 end, Addams be DLC #31 and create an EVENT around the release of it. After all, this is not a simple table, this is the most requested table they get. They should have had the first three be events as well. They should be doing a huge blitz of media releases of their table and self-promotion through every channel (pinball, gaming in general, sci-fi, comics, film, etc). After the release they can start season 4 with DLC 32.

This makes great sense since the licenses do expire so they will not have to make adjustments down the road (The first 2 sesasons will be weird once they no longer have rights to sell premium tables, not to mention changing the packs will require reprogramming those inclusions and reexamining the pricing). Plus fiscally, it will not have to be subject to discounted pricing that comes with Seasons being put on sale. This never works good because of all the per unit royalties in addition to the upfront licensing. I hope they do give this idea some thought.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Right. If the goal is going to be 80k+ they'll need several enticing high end teir rewards. The beta reward will get a few more but will be a drop in the bucket overall. There will be quite a few $10 and $25 pledges but those are only going to cover 25-35k goal at the most, from what I'm seeing in the previous Kickstarters.

So I really hope they do the Addams Family CE edition as an exclusive higher end tier rewards. Its a great additonal reward and i think a large number of people would pony up $$ to get the additonal table - i would. Short term it may cost them a bit to get the table to scan and spend manpower making it but long term it would likely pay off. They could continue to use the table in future Kickstarters to help make those goals and use the table as tourney rewards.

A win win.

It's a shame they can't do the color DMD as a tier reward. I've played an Addams that has it and it is very sweet.


Apr 7, 2014
If I could change all the red DMDs from the Gottlieb tables, I would.

I absolutely HATE red DMDs. It instantly reminds me of "Virtual Boy".


Apr 7, 2014
Even if it was BSD? Or would that be an exception?

I have a few exceptions, but I was speaking mostly from the Gottlieb side. I'd even change it from "Freddy", which is my most wanted realistic table.

I don't know why, but the red DMD's just look even worse on Gottlieb machines.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I have a few exceptions, but I was speaking mostly from the Gottlieb side. I'd even change it from "Freddy", which is my most wanted realistic table.

I don't know why, but the red DMD's just look even worse on Gottlieb machines.

I always found them hard to read in normal lighting. Room has to be pitch black for the reds to look good.


Mar 25, 2013
It's a shame they can't do the color DMD as a tier reward. I've played an Addams that has it and it is very sweet.

I agree. IMO - one of the better Color DMD's

Actually that WOULD make a neat Kickstarter reward. If there was a Color DMD "upgrade" tier, where it would support any tables you own that current have color DMD displays, I'd probably in to that for $100. That would be the following tables: Theatre of Magic, Fish Tales, Scared Stiff, White Water, Monster Bash, Medieval Madness, Attack from Mars, Star Trek, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Tales of the Arabian Nights, and Addams. I'm sure people would go for it but probably a long shot as they would likely have to secure licensing with the Color DMD company and not sure if there are wrinkles with the current licensing and modifying the tables in this way.

But I'd see that as a huge hit for a Kickstarter option. Its certainly more interesting to me than anything in the Pro menu.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think they have to release the table as it actually was. Their license doesn't allow mods. So no gum balls in TZ, no Fester in the chair, and no color DMD. I assume the color DMD would be a no no. Shame though.
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