PAPA Fathom Tutorial


New member
May 10, 2012
Something downer related happens every time I post on Facebook. Not done it in a while but after my Fathom request, Mike Morse came on, asking Farsight to please do not make that table. It's ok to disagree but to ask them to not do it is so classless that I want to fart in his general direction and tell him a few other things while I'm at it ;)

Last edited:


Apr 7, 2014
something downer related happens every time i post on facebook. Not done it in a while but after my fathom request, mike morse came on, asking farsight to please do not make that table. It's ok to disagree but to ask them to not do it is so classless that i want to fart in his general direction and tell him a few other things while i'm at it ;)



New member
May 10, 2012
After watching the tutorial, I also posted on the FB page. It's certainly unique enough to warrant inclusion into TPA.

And from Kolchak:
Cool karl, I'll pile on.

Thanks for helping out Nightwing and Kolchak. It has more than 10 likes thanks to you helping out. A lot more than many other requests

Maybe a bump on Monday to keep Farsights attention when they log on :)


New member
Oct 20, 2012
And from Kolchak:

Thanks for helping out Nightwing and Kolchak. It has more than 10 likes thanks to you helping out. A lot more than many other requests

Maybe a bump on Monday to keep Farsights attention when they log on :)

I would also like to see (and play) more Bally tables from the "pre-WMS" era.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Something downer related happens every time I post on Facebook. Not done it in a while but after my Fathom request, Mike Morse came on, asking Farsight to please do not make that table. It's ok to disagree but to ask them to not do it is so classless that I want to fart in his general direction and tell him a few other things while I'm at it ;)

Yeah, he always does that when anyone suggests anything he doesn't like. He seems to only like modern pins. He has taken a big Facebook dump on my previous request for EM pins. I have a genuine dislike for his antics on there.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Yeah, he always does that when anyone suggests anything he doesn't like. He seems to only like modern pins. He has taken a big Facebook dump on my previous request for EM pins. I have a genuine dislike for his antics on there.

As do I. I ended up blocking him on FB so I don't have to read any more of his bs. Like I've said before - I have no problem with people who don't agree with my views - but at least be respectful about the other side's point.

Without being childish.

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Yeah, he always does that when anyone suggests anything he doesn't like. He seems to only like modern pins. He has taken a big Facebook dump on my previous request for EM pins. I have a genuine dislike for his antics on there.
I don't see why some ppl don't want more EM pins. They are often times better than present ones.:confused:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I don't see why some ppl don't want more EM pins. They are often times better than present ones.:confused:

I'm with you David. Some of my favorites are EMs. But many people just don't enjoy them. I think a lot of it is that they haven't had a chance to play them.
My nephew says they are boring, not enough to do, and no multiball. I've made him play some EMs but he prefers the DMD era pins.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I will say one thing about EM's in TPA. I don't think they're digitized well enough. There's something about the mechanical feel of a real EM that's lost in the digital recreation. Nonetheless, I wouldn't mind a couple more, especially Fireball. That's one mean mo-fo IRL...and it has multiball too.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I will say one thing about EM's in TPA. I don't think they're digitized well enough. There's something about the mechanical feel of a real EM that's lost in the digital recreation.
Some Future Pinball tables provide a good EM feeling. Many tables are handicapped by the poor flipper function. Try Band Wagon! Accuracy isn't that important on that table.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I will say one thing about EM's in TPA. I don't think they're digitized well enough. There's something about the mechanical feel of a real EM that's lost in the digital recreation.

That something is fine grained control of nudging. Central Park is meant to be played with subtle skillful bumps to keep the ball out of those many types of drains. TPA's all-or-nothing full power whacks don't translate well at all to such games.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
That something is fine grained control of nudging. Central Park is meant to be played with subtle skillful bumps to keep the ball out of those many types of drains. TPA's all-or-nothing full power whacks don't translate well at all to such games.

If you play with a joypad, it's very easy to control your nudge power. I play on PS3 and to me it's a huge advantage.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I got to try this game out at PAPA and it was very ood for that era. I think it would be a good choice for TPA somewhere down the line.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I would love to see this made. Really cool table. I hope they spend a little more time in this era. I can think of 4-5 tables that would be great.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Farsight linked a buffalopinball post on their twitter:

Saw these on there an thought they belong here.



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