Table pack #38 speculation

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Jun 27, 2012
You're all wrong, you know. Clearly this is hinting at the Pinball Circus. For starters, the pic is of trapeze artists. Considering the multi level nature of PC, it's a long drop for both ball and trapezist. But then look at the text...

"direct your attention to an extreme example of extraordinary excitement."

This was not only an 'extreme example' of where pinball could go, there'd be 'extraordinary excitement' were it to come to TPA. It goes on...

"In an exlusive engagement" (only 2 exist, 1 in Las Vegeas) "ex members of the famous flying extroverts" (a fitting description of Python if ever there were) "expertly perform extremely perilous stunts while carrying explosives" (meaning this table could have been a bomb, which is why they didn't go into actual production)

Sheesh. Open your eyes, people.

Wasn't their word about TPA staff checking out and taking photos of a copy of Pinball Circus?


New member
Oct 20, 2012
You're all wrong, you know. Clearly this is hinting at the Pinball Circus. For starters, the pic is of trapeze artists. Considering the multi level nature of PC, it's a long drop for both ball and trapezist. But then look at the text...

"direct your attention to an extreme example of extraordinary excitement."

This was not only an 'extreme example' of where pinball could go, there'd be 'extraordinary excitement' were it to come to TPA. It goes on...

"In an exlusive engagement" (only 2 exist, 1 in Las Vegeas) "ex members of the famous flying extroverts" (a fitting description of Python if ever there were) "expertly perform extremely perilous stunts while carrying explosives" (meaning this table could have been a bomb, which is why they didn't go into actual production)

Sheesh. Open your eyes, people.

Eyes ore open. So much so that I can see that should this happen, one of two scenarios will play out in the rest of season 4:
A) We won't get "Getaway", which seems unlikely, since that table was "leaked" in a message no one has seen
B) Season 4 will be Gottlieb-less.

I could understand why no one is excited about Gottlieb tables in TPA. Many of their better tables have not appeared here, plus LCA and Goin' Nuts have left a foul taste in many TPA fans mouths. Barring another WMS re-negotiation, I'm beginning to think the last Gottlieb we'll see in TPA is Rescue 911.


New member
Sep 10, 2013
The official Pinball Arcade site is updated now showing table 38 to be Xenon! Case closed, people. :)

This seems to be up extremely early, so here's a screenshot in case they put it up on accident and decide to take it down:
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Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Zingy binby! Because they're zingin' around. And those bombs are gonna make a bing sound in your ears


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It makes sense if it's intentional. Xenon won the poll, and you want to let as many people as possible know that it's coming soon.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
I think it is pretty much 101% that Xenon is the next table. If you check the leaderboards online: it is already there. I wonder if it is always like that? I used those leaderboards quite a lot before when I had an iPad1 and couldn't check it through the iPad but they might be forgotten by most others.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
At least give me a few more tries. I'm insulted they didn't mention me while on their 'ex' words kick. So I'm gonna say everything besides Xenomorph. I say the Simpsons ponball party because they said a bunch of words starting with E, and there's an E in the, for thE Simpson pinball party


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
At least give me a few more tries. I'm insulted they didn't mention me while on their 'ex' words kick. So I'm gonna say everything besides Xenomorph. I say the Simpsons ponball party because they said a bunch of words starting with E, and there's an E in the, for thE Simpson pinball party

They probably would have called you Extort anyway. ;)


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Why did you guys have to mention Spirit? That got me a little excited. I think I'd rather have Spirit instead of Xenon.
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