Stern Pinball Arcade available now in the Play Store, early thoughts


New member
Jun 25, 2016
Always happy to have some new digital pinball to play. Haven't bought a pack yet, but you do get play Frankenstein and Mustang immediately.

So far, definitely buggy. Extremely slow to load. Some of the functional elements, the pause button in particular, is not in frame and cut off.

Interesting UI, I wonder if that will be kept or there are plans to change in the future, since currently it loads just 4 tables at a time.

Pretty buggy so far, but it's pinball dammit! Thoughts? Issues?


May 24, 2013
The cameras are really bad on my galaxy tab s2. At least for Star trek. All cameras cut off most of, if not all the flippers. Can't adjust volume in game. Interface is just bad all around.


New member
Jun 25, 2016
The cameras are really bad on my galaxy tab s2. At least for Star trek. All cameras cut off most of, if not all the flippers. Can't adjust volume in game. Interface is just bad all around.

Same here with the volume. I end up pulling down the status bar/dropdown then adjusting volume.

At least we don't have the carousel that the Xbox and likely ps4 have. The announcer voice for the selections on those platforms is another odd choice BTW.

And for the love of all things pinball, I hope somebody has dark room mode scratched down to work on for mobile.


New member
Jun 22, 2014
Broken on my Nvidia K1. The right half of the screen is black. It's OK on my LG V20 but the K1 is my primary pinball device. Not good.

Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk


New member
May 30, 2013
I thought we were supposed to see some dynamic lighting as well in the mobile versions this time around.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk


Jul 3, 2015
Broken on my Nvidia K1. The right half of the screen is black. It's OK on my LG V20 but the K1 is my primary pinball device. Not good.

I have the exact same thing on my Shield Tablet. Yet, displays properly on my Axon 7

The Options interface is pretty much FUBAR too. Trying to change the touch scheme is a lottery as a single touch will send the touch scheme into a rapid spin, much like a slot machine, which makes selecting option very frustrating to *expletive deletive* impossible. There is no way to lock cameras from the options menu, given that the lock cameras option has no modifier, and the on screen HUD has no camera view or lock choices (HUD issue only on the Shield Tablet). The options menu is angled so the top options are smaller in font than the bottom choices. The option to position the "special" button is not in the options, so it is forever at the top of the screen; joyous noel for all, indeed.

No way to, properly, exit/close this monstrosity of bad marketing. The back key does jack. So were have the issue of piss poor memory management, again, while the home key takes it completely out of memory ... and if you power off the device while SPA is running it will be frozen, totally locked when you power back up.

WTF is the point in releasing a broken product and expecting people to pay for it, while still thinking that this will not, in anyway, impact how this product affects the way the companies involved are viewed.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'm sure it's fine on a 16:9 device, but on my 4:3 Samsung Galaxy Tab S, every camera view cuts off the tips of the flippers, at best.

I also find the menus to be very fiddly and difficult to use.


Jan 30, 2013
Tried mustang on samsung s5. Runs great then goes lagging, some pone tweaking might improve performance.

Table took very long to download. Thought it was stuck. UI is extremely clunky.

If you long press the change camera view button during gameplay it switches between locked cam and following, so you don't have to go to menu to change that setting. Menu sucks, yes,


New member
Oct 7, 2014
The action button in Mustang doesn't work unless you lose the ball and go back to plunger view. It seems this button is used during normal play, but it's currently unusable.

Also in Mustang, I'm pretty sure I've gotten some of the standard goals, but they're not registering. Oh, maybe it's because it's free for now and I don't actually own it?

I'm actually enjoying Frankenstein more in SPA than in TPA. It just feels better and the graphics look better. Am I just imagining things?

I also can't log in to my account. I keep getting a message that I have to reset my account password.

On my Nexus 7 2013, the virtual back/home/apps buttons appear during normal play. This doesn't happen in TPA, so I assume it's another bug.



New member
Feb 20, 2012
So gotta say these are the best looking tables so far. Especially star trek. Unfortunately it looks like they just took the Samsung gear vr version and just ported it over with no changes to the UI. At some point they gonna have to change the menus because right now they are almost unusable.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
It's definitely time to upgrade my Android tablet. The 10.1 note (2013) doesn't work with it. Guess it's because of the lack of Android 5+

Well, now I have an excuse... :D


New member
Jun 25, 2016
It's definitely time to upgrade my Android tablet. The 10.1 note (2013) doesn't work with it. Guess it's because of the lack of Android 5+

Well, now I have an excuse... :D

You can also just flash a custom rom on your 10.1 if you are comfortable with that kind of thing.


New member
Jun 25, 2016
I just opened the SPA app and after a download of some sort found myself on the start screen for Starship Troopers. Played a game, then exited to main menu. But then I remembered I haven't bought a pack or table on it yet.

.... It remains locked in the menu, but that was interesting.


Nov 15, 2013
Galaxy Tab S with Marshmallow. This is buggy as hell, if I try to exit one of the free games, I get the exit menu, hit exit...and back to the game..

Not impressed.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I just opened the SPA app and after a download of some sort found myself on the start screen for Starship Troopers. Played a game, then exited to main menu. But then I remembered I haven't bought a pack or table on it yet.

.... It remains locked in the menu, but that was interesting.
I've had the Troopers bug too.
You start the game, and it jumps into that table automatically even though I haven't bought it and it's locked.
I was going to buy acdc and Star Trek but it's a little too broken yet to start investing in. Get some fixes in the new year and I'm sure it'll be great though.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I've had the Troopers bug too.
You start the game, and it jumps into that table automatically even though I haven't bought it and it's locked.
I was going to buy acdc and Star Trek but it's a little too broken yet to start investing in. Get some fixes in the new year and I'm sure it'll be great though.
Yeah, I agree with you on this call.

I really want to unlock the other tables, but I want to send a message by not purchasing until I can at least play the game on all devices I own.

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