Request The Addams Family (videos)


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I know the devs are already looking into this one, and that licensing will be hard/expensive because it involves a TV show, a movie, actors voices, music, and of course the pinball game itself. But it is my most all-time favorite table. I know it will be a top seller, and therefore worth any extra effort/time/expense it takes to get this one.

I have spent a lot of time looking for good videos for this table (since I can't even find one near me in good working order), so I thought I'd post a couple of my favorites for the fellow Addams Family Pinball fans out there... and maybe some new fans that will see what we are raving about.

This one captures the sights and sounds better than any... even though it's fairly low quality, I love that his microphone actually picks up the bass pretty well, and being in a darker room, you really get the full effect of the light shows. If you don't have time for whole thing, skip to the last 5 minutes, and you'll get to see multiball, and tour the mansion:
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
This is a pretty sterile video by comparison, but this is an extremely skilled player showing how to totally dominate at The Addams Family Pinball:


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New member
Feb 28, 2012
I would pay a huge premium if need be for this one...
Ditto. If I had the money (and the space) I'd buy the real thing... so any price on iOS or Xbox 360 would be peanuts by comparison.


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New member
Feb 28, 2012
Spent a ton of time playing this one. Anyone think when Morticia says "Gomez" it kinda sounded like she saying "Dumb a%%"? Maybe it's just me. I would so love to play this again, but I understand how hard it would be to get all those people on the same page.

Patrick McBride

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Mega, thanks for posting those videos... that 2nd one was amazing to watch! Such ball control :D

This is my most played & favorite pin of all time and I REALLY, REALLY hope Farsight can come through on this. It would really be huge for them... and for us!

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I never played the Adams Family in real life (there! I've said it.. ;) ) and watching the videos it certainly looks like a very cool table but can anyone tell me what makes this table so special?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I never played the Adams Family in real life (there! I've said it.. ;) ) and watching the videos it certainly looks like a very cool table but can anyone tell me what makes this table so special?

It's one of those "being in the right place at the right time" kind of thing. Around the time The Addams Family table came out, the DMD was fairly new and this table made great use of it. Also, this table made use of a variety of toys that appealed to the more casual player at the time. Add to that all the objectives and extensive use of a popular movie at the time, and you have yourself an instant classic...a table that would sell well over 20,000 units cause of it's popularity with old and new pinball players alike. You had to experience it to know exactly what I'm talking about.

Patrick McBride

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Yeah, I don't think it's necessarily BETTER than every other table, it just holds a special place in many people's hearts. For me it's nostalgia... I never had TONS of pinball options when I was younger, but of the different arcades I would go to that would be a table most would have... so I've played more of that than anything! Just hearing the sound effects and seeing the DMD animations bring it all right back. Can't wait to play it on Pinball Arcade (please!)!


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I never played the Adams Family in real life (there! I've said it.. ;) ) and watching the videos it certainly looks like a very cool table but can anyone tell me what makes this table so special?
Everything said above is true... but I think there is more to it... at least for me. I think the sense of energy with this table is just one of the best. For example, when you start Multiball, it doesn't just spit out a couple more balls, it has this huge "wind up" with thunder, lightning, and whirring up sound that really gets your adrenaline pumping right as it spits out the balls.

This link will take you right to that moment:

Make sure you have good speakers/headphones cranked up. Then just imagine being there and the bass is enough to feel in your chest. And even while the multi-ball is going the table is really active along with a big electro-magnet in the cetner called "The Power" that will randomly shift the direction of the balls, which keeps you on your toes.

And "Showtime" is just one example. All-around great design on just about every bonus round this game had. It also was the first table I played (probably one of the first ever) that had such bonus rounds where the game would start up a mode and then give you clear audio/visual cues as to what you were supposed to be shooting for. So it was a fairly easy table to learn. I was never a fan of the Addams Family show nor movie... but regardless, I just LOVED playing that pinball table.

I also think it has been very influential on many of the newer tables. Considering that it's the most successful table ever, that shouldn't surprise anyone. Every table after it wanted to capture the magic. Which is not a bad thing, but I honestly have never played another table no matter how much newer and more high-tech that raised my heart rate like it did when I'd unlock something or accomplish a big bonus. Even the way it would "scream" at you to "Hit the Jackpot!!!" and then you'd hit it and it would say even more frantically: "Triple Jackpot!!!!!!" etc. Just so well done.

I recall the first time I got the tour the mansion bonus like it was yesterday, and it was over 20 years ago. I got so excited when it yelled "Fiiiiifty Miiiilion!!" and then started up the entire mansion.

Here is a link to that line: (unfortunately, he loses his ball before much of the mansion tour is done).
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Everything Mega said is spot's just one of those tables you have to experience for yourself to really appreciate all that it has to offer. Trying to explain how great the table is doesn't do it justice.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Thanks for the feedback. I've never come across a table in r/l, I'm depending on you Farsight to experience TAF! :)


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Thanks for the feedback. I've never come across a table in r/l, I'm depending on you Farsight to experience TAF! :)

The sad thing is even if/when you do, it will most likely be in poor condition and not nearly the experience it would be if everything was working well.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'll chime in on what's 'special' about this table too. In addition to everything else that has been mentioned, Thing coming out of the box to capture a ball was simply amazing. When the table wasn't being played, it'd go through various 'attract' modes, one of which would be to play the familiar theme song, but where the snaps normally would have been, the flippers would flip all on their own. I saw so many heads snap around for a look just because of that. And I'll second the notion that the goals were easily identified, making it one of the easiest tables to learn the rules for. That being said, it's an incredibly difficult table that drains balls with lightning speed. So it had that perfect hook, where as a player you can see the goal, know what needs to be done, thus making achieving said goals to be incredibly addicting. While it's not my favorite table, I do believe it is a perfect table in execution, theme, and the general good of pinball stewardship. It's the one table most people can agree on.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I want this Pinball table so bad, The Addams Family is the reason i got into pinball in the first place. When i played it i realised how much fun pinball really is and since that table i've been hooked on pinball ever since. I love the tables from the mid 80's up until know which will be Jersey Jacks The Wizard Of Oz, so please Farsight try real hard to bring The Addams Family to The Pinball Arcade, i'll pay anything for it even $30.00.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
...i'll pay anything for it even $30.00.
If I was wealthy, I'd have a real one. Since I'm not, any price to have this virtually would be orders of magnitude cheaper than owning the real thing, so I'd pay a lot for it as well. Of course to get massive sales, that's not really feasible, but we just want you (Farsight) to know how much we want this particular table.

And if you need any beta testers to see if you're capturing the soul of this table, I'd be more than happy.... in fact all the posters in this thread that have praised the table would be good choices if you want feedback from real fans. :D :D :D


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I've never played AF but have watched loads of videos & read the reviews. Just something about the AF that's so appealing, here's hopin'.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The sad thing is even if/when you do, it will most likely be in poor condition and not nearly the experience it would be if everything was working well.

True, but finding one in good condition is still more fun than any simulation could provide (though I certainly want to see it in Pinball Arcade), especially when you see the toys on it in person. I was lucky enough to find a couple places, National Pinball Museum in Baltimore and Crab Towne USA that had them in good condition (tough Addams was broken down for awhile at the latter, last I played everything seemed to be working, even the Thing hand).
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
That's cool. I have seen two of them in the last few years, but both were too broken to relive the "magic". I still played them of course.

I live in San Antonio, TX.

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