The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
A year of updates...and here I was posting on the blog about merely being a member of this forum for a year. Congrats, PiN WiZ, and thanks again for your efforts!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm glad to see that many of you are finding the News thread useful.

Update upcoming...


Feb 29, 2012
More echoing from the UK here. Unfortunately I'm now only an occasional visitor (until the 360 situation is resolved) but wanted to add to the thanks PW. You have added to the excitement of an already amazing game.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I wonder if the impending release of the Star Trek custom ball pack for PS3 means they'll fix the texture display of custom ball skins on PS3, that would be nice!


Jan 28, 2013
Thanks for the latest update, PinWiz.

Sounds like we are much more likely to see the PC version before the Xbox 360 version is updated!

Hopefully we may see some screens of the PC version soon :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
"Opposite of a space theme" has to be Earthshaker: the title has "earth" in it. Atari's Middle Earth would be even better, but there's no way it's that. I agree that the other is probably Space Shuttle, which is the opposite of the opposite of a space theme.

Centaur could be "into the darkness".

All this speculation!

I'm changing my vote to Centaur + WhiteWater. Then next month will be Whirlwind + Earthshaker.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Centaur could be "into the darkness".

All this speculation!

I'm changing my vote to Centaur + WhiteWater. Then next month will be Whirlwind + Earthshaker.

Space Shuttle was already confirmed from Brakel when he spoke to Farsight at MGC. Plus SS really fits with what PW said:

• Table Add-On Pack #13 will LIFTOFF! in mid April on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire and Mac.
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
News for the release status of The Pinball Arcade on Steam coming shortly after GDC 2013 ends on March 29th.

Sitting tight...bring it on! :D

EDIT: The GDC's last session ends at 5:00 PDT, so hopefully we'll have great news by then!
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Don't be disappointed if we don't hear anything today. It might take a few days (or more) for them to finalize everything. Maybe, maybe not, but I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I always knew, that I switch to the pc version asap.
The upcoming pc release is also the reason why I didn't buy the latest packages on psn.

I buy whatever FS releases, I don't even care which tables are inside of the package. Pro Mode if available....
But I only do this on one platform.
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New member
May 10, 2012
Shortly after GDC could mean anything from hours to weeks but some good news in the pc department is in dire need. There has been a drought for far to long. Bring it on, I am ready :p


New member
Apr 14, 2012
What do you say we try to get all of the news-worthy Facebook exchanges into this thread? I’ll start with the posts from the last couple of days that have gotten responses:

Bruno Cantari said:
… [have you] considered using psvita as cross-controller that see the dmd full on psvita.

The Pinball Arcade said:
We are investigating this as an option.


Brent Halpenny said:
[There’s a bug with Star Trek: The Next Generation on the PS3, with camera view #3]

The Pinball Arcade said:
We are looking in to this issue, in the mean time can you delete the game and try redownloading it?


Acie O’Kelley III said:
Are live catches even possible?

The Pinball Arcade said:
Live catches are a work-in-progress for us. We feel that, when they work, they feel like a glitch and we don't like that.


Lukas Nerozbitny said:
Attack from mars strobe multiball missing. why?

The Pinball Arcade said:
Due to the way our lighting works, we can't do the strobe effect in a way that will look good. So we left it out in the hopes that, as technology improves, we can do it right and include it in an update.


Max Baker said:
News about the PC version? It's the 29th and we are waiting for an update, please.

The Pinball Arcade said:
We met with Valve at the GDC and can report that the meeting went well.


Jeffrey Alan said:
Zen Pinball 2 just debuted on Wii U, any word on when you guys are gonna be available?

The Pinball Arcade said:
No word yet. We are working with Nintendo to get out as soon as we can.


Luke Frohling said:
… how about you include iCade support built in? ….

The Pinball Arcade said:
Actually, we are working on iCade support. We had it running at the Dallas and Milwaukee shows these last few weeks!


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