Kickstarter for Pinball Circus or similar rarity instead of T2?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I would be much more interested in The Simpsons license than T2. I know that it's been said that getting T2 would not include T3 because these films had so many different people involved with one that weren't involved with the other but would that be the same with the Simpsons? Meaning, if FarSight had the rights to TSPP, how much more work and cash is needed to obtain the Data East version? The Stern rights give FarSight access to DE games and The Simpson's was and is still under Fox. I doubt we're going to get a lot of DE games because of all the license issues but The Simpsons was certainly one of their better ones and TSPP pretty much speaks for itself in terms of popularity, mainly due to its incredible rule set. I'd like to hear some thoughts on this? If FarSight gets the rights for TSPP, how difficult would it be to get the DE version?

Each table carries it's own license, so separate deals would have to be made. That being said, I would think you are right in that securing the Simpsons would be much easier since it has always been with Fox. Matt Groening would also have to be onboard, though I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be an issue in the least, just a matter of payout. But again, I don't think the license deal can just be one big umbrella that covers all, it's gotta be 2 separate deals for 2 separate tables.


New member
May 3, 2013
I think I haven't played the Simpson table, but T2 was excellent and I would really love to have it in Pinball Arcade. My frend has T3 table at home which I played more than a few times, and in my opinion it gets nowhere near T2. Terminator 2 - The judgment day table is one of all-time classics, just like the movie was. Really love to see it in TPA one day.


Nov 11, 2012
So FS and people with NDA's can't divulge anything, but that doesn't mean we can't find out for ourselves.

See e.g. here: where it says "However, thanks to the bankruptcy of former rights holder, The Halcyon Company, and the deep pockets of producer Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures, the franchise now finds itself at a potentially interesting crossroads".

So yes, if there's a Terminator 5 movie coming up starring Arnie the Model 101 himself, chances are that you can add two or more zeroes behind the licensing costs, if at all available. I'm sure everyone remembers the "Twilight Zone" vs. "Twilight" movie franchise debacle with Sony.

That being said, watch the promo video (two parts):


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I agree with The Simpsons tables.
The Simpsons Tapped Out game is huge right now. So much in fact that it's getting fans back watching the show again. Farsight should strike while this is a worthwhile IP and before the show ends (which could be next year?).

They should also go for a package deal on both the Data East Simpsons original and Simpsons Pinball Party.
I am a huge fan of the original DE game and have never had a chance to play SPP. So I would Kickstart a hefty amount for Pro-Modes, etc..

Please, if anyone from Farsight is reading this... MAKE IT HAPPEN!! :)


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'd more likely back a Simpsons or Family Guy KS.

I probably wouldn't back a T2 one, but would buy it when released.
Wouldn't break my heart if it failed.

I wouldn't back T2. Like you, I would pay my 5 bucks when it was released.

Simpsons: I would back that.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I probably wouldn't back a T2 one, but would buy it when released.
Wouldn't break my heart if it failed.

I wouldn't back T2. Like you, I would pay my 5 bucks when it was released.

Simpsons: I would back that.

If you plan to buy it anyway, why not just put that $5 towards the kickstarter and then get it as the free reward? It might take every penny to get it released since it's not as popular as TZ and STTNG. I know T2 isn't the best pin out there, but it's still in the Top 40-60 machines of all time, which is quite respectable, and it'd be great to have it in TPA. Yeah, the ruleset is nothing fancy, but the flow is great. It's a Ritchie pin, after all.
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
If you plan to buy it anyway, why not just put that $5 towards the kickstarter and then get it as the free reward? It might take every penny to get it released since it's not as popular as TZ and STTNG. I know T2 isn't the best pin out there, but it's still in the Top 40-60 machines of all time, which is quite respectable, and it'd be great to have it in TPA. Yeah, the ruleset is nothing fancy, but the flow is great. It's a Ritchie pin, after all.

Because last time the minimum kickstarter level to get the table as the reward was $10.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
If you plan to buy it anyway, why not just put that $5 towards the kickstarter and then get it as the free reward? It might take every penny to get it released since it's not as popular as TZ and STTNG. I know T2 isn't the best pin out there, but it's still in the Top 40-60 machines of all time, which is quite respectable, and it'd be great to have it in TPA. Yeah, the ruleset is nothing fancy, but the flow is great. It's a Ritchie pin, after all.

Mainly because of this.... (Android specific - don't know if this applies to other platforms, but I'd guess it does)

Quote Ryan Routon (during 1.10 beta thread) responding to someone whose KS tables stopped working, when a FS server was causing login issues.

- "to clarify, if bought from google play, you don't have to be logged in to play your purchased tables. If awarded from kickstarter the only way to get the tables is by logging in, it is not persistent if that is the case (it was not designed to be so)."

Imagine the time when Farsight stop doing TPA and the FS servers switch off. Anyone who bought there tables can carry on playing them. KS rewards players won't be able to.

I plan on playing this for many years. So I shall definitely buy, not KS reward.

+ don't get me started on..... market purchasers getting first access before rewardees, FS selling KS reward perks (skins) later on, beta access (ios & Android) being given freely when people payed $500 for the exclusive privilege.
I'd KS back Family guy or Simpsons (+ a few others), but just to get it made, not for reward.
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
So who decided on Terminator 2 as a Kickstarter anyway?
It seems quite a lot of the core audience would prefer many tables over this. I include myself in this group since I've bought every table on launch day and donate to their Kickstarter funds.
Perhaps they should have done a poll for this.

I honestly feel they need a popular animated theme pinball.
They've done; monsters, TV/movie theme, Aliens, Motorcycle, Medieval, Space, Circus/Carnival, Arabian, Robots... What's left?

THE SIMPSONS of course. :)

As a back-up, I'd also be happy with The Family Guy & South Park, but I'm betting they are too racy for the rating and they wouldn't be the same with everything cut out.

Maybe we should start a petition or something to get The Simpsons (both machines) to Kickstarter.
Hell, I even know someone in California who would donate their machine, and it's in excellent shape.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
FS picked it. It is a significant as it is one if the first DMD pins. In addition they were able to secure the rights to the licensing as long as we come up with the $.

T2 will be cool, but I would love to get Family Guy or The Simpsons too.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'd probably put something like Pinball Circus on the same level of anticipation as I would for T2. Ahnuld, Steve Ritchie... what more could anyone want? Never mind that it was the first DMD pinball machine ever made. As far as historical value goes, can't get much more important than that.

I'd love to see some of the more obscure licensed tables get a run as well (Johnny Mnemonic, Baywatch, No Fear) but literally have no idea what licensing would be involved for those at all, especially considering 2/3 of those contain likenesses of actors that may not always be as enthusiastic as Elvira in allowing FS to release them.

It's probably why something like The Simpsons would be a complete b!tch to release. I'd love to see the older one make an appearance, but I think you'd have to get permission form all the individual actors (and I'm not sure if Phil Hartman is on there...) and we all know they've become a bit greedy in the last few years!
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
T2 as a Kickstarter may be difficult to fund but there is money leftover from the last one. If the goal was around 60-75k, then the extra money from the last one at least brings it more in line with the last 2 kickstarters.


New member
May 5, 2012
The questions of cost and having table availability being tied to your login are two big reasons why I would hesitate to be part of a T2 Kickstarter. But even if I do contribute, it'll be for much less. I chipped in at the $100 for both TZ and ST:TNG primarily because it was unclear whether the operator menu option would ever be offered again. Now that it's clear the the Pro menu will be available for all of the big tables, and at a considerably cheaper price, I would likely only back at the lowest level, if I did at all.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
The reason I'm hesitant to back T2 is because it just doesn't feel very pinball to me. The most important factor for high scores is hitting your shots from the gun for double and triple jackpots. At least in ST:TNG the gun shots are only minimally important to your success overall. T2 on the other hand is almost completely reliant on how accurate your timing is on the shots.

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