I would be much more interested in The Simpsons license than T2. I know that it's been said that getting T2 would not include T3 because these films had so many different people involved with one that weren't involved with the other but would that be the same with the Simpsons? Meaning, if FarSight had the rights to TSPP, how much more work and cash is needed to obtain the Data East version? The Stern rights give FarSight access to DE games and The Simpson's was and is still under Fox. I doubt we're going to get a lot of DE games because of all the license issues but The Simpsons was certainly one of their better ones and TSPP pretty much speaks for itself in terms of popularity, mainly due to its incredible rule set. I'd like to hear some thoughts on this? If FarSight gets the rights for TSPP, how difficult would it be to get the DE version?
I'd more likely back a Simpsons or Family Guy KS.
I probably wouldn't back a T2 one, but would buy it when released.
Wouldn't break my heart if it failed.
I probably wouldn't back a T2 one, but would buy it when released.
Wouldn't break my heart if it failed.
I wouldn't back T2. Like you, I would pay my 5 bucks when it was released.
Simpsons: I would back that.
If you plan to buy it anyway, why not just put that $5 towards the kickstarter and then get it as the free reward? It might take every penny to get it released since it's not as popular as TZ and STTNG. I know T2 isn't the best pin out there, but it's still in the Top 40-60 machines of all time, which is quite respectable, and it'd be great to have it in TPA. Yeah, the ruleset is nothing fancy, but the flow is great. It's a Ritchie pin, after all.
Because last time the minimum kickstarter level to get the table as the reward was $10.
If you plan to buy it anyway, why not just put that $5 towards the kickstarter and then get it as the free reward? It might take every penny to get it released since it's not as popular as TZ and STTNG. I know T2 isn't the best pin out there, but it's still in the Top 40-60 machines of all time, which is quite respectable, and it'd be great to have it in TPA. Yeah, the ruleset is nothing fancy, but the flow is great. It's a Ritchie pin, after all.
Never mind that it was the first DMD pinball machine ever made. As far as historical value goes, can't get much more important than that.