Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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New member
Jun 5, 2012
I haven't been able to fix the full screen issue yet. I'm trying to get management to put out the beta so we can get feed back on fullscreen from multiple hardware setups. I have a feeling it'll work in some resolutions on some PCs'.

Wonderful news! You won't be lacking of feedback, that's for sure.


Apr 3, 2012
I haven't been able to fix the full screen issue yet. I'm trying to get management to put out the beta so we can get feed back on fullscreen from multiple hardware setups. I have a feeling it'll work in some resolutions on some PCs'.

Cool to come back here see at least see some news, thanks for that. I've been under the impression development had slowed due to steam implementation, but how does that explain no Win8 release?

I'm just puzzled by the severe lack of attention for this platform. People from Farsight were telling us TPA was ready for limited public beta testing last year, what happened? Was the team struggling to find an alternative DRM for Win8 that wouldn't boot strap the MBR? Were the people from Farsight just misinformed on Facebook? Is it true that mobile took such a priority that Farsight was willing to hold up kickstarter PC rewards over it? Sorry about all the questions, but I'm just hoping to get some real answers from someone that actually works for your company. ;)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I don't work for nor speak for FarSight, but I would assume that once the Greenlight process went through, the Windows 8 app was abandoned, since Steam will cover XP/Vista/Win7/Win8. No need to support multiple versions when one will do the trick.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
That being said, can the Windows 8 subforum be removed (since the Steam version will support 8 anyway)?


Apr 3, 2012
I don't work for nor speak for FarSight, but I would assume that once the Greenlight process went through, the Windows 8 app was abandoned, since Steam will cover XP/Vista/Win7/Win8. No need to support multiple versions when one will do the trick.

Yeah I'm not biased by any means, I own over 300 games on Steam. ;) It'd just be nice to understand the real reasoning behind everything. The way I looked at it, the Win8 version would have been my means of playing TPA on Windows sooner until the better version came out. Now it seems everything that was previously announced was abandoned or forgotten without much if any explanation.

Also, don't forget, this would have opened up more revenue for Farsight because guys like me would have bought for both platforms and it would have introduced the app to casuals running the OS that don't even know what "steam" is. So, it's not a complete loss by any stretch. At any rate, all we can do now is wait with hardened hearts.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
On that note. Hopefully Flight 2000 will be released today. I will just keep singing the Monty Python song, "Always look on the bright side of life. " Queue the whistling.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
A reminder that posts that serve no purpose other than to complain about the fact that the PC version is not yet released are being summarily deleted.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Cool to come back here see at least see some news, thanks for that. I've been under the impression development had slowed due to steam implementation, but how does that explain no Win8 release?

I'm just puzzled by the severe lack of attention for this platform. People from Farsight were telling us TPA was ready for limited public beta testing last year, what happened? Was the team struggling to find an alternative DRM for Win8 that wouldn't boot strap the MBR? Were the people from Farsight just misinformed on Facebook? Is it true that mobile took such a priority that Farsight was willing to hold up kickstarter PC rewards over it? Sorry about all the questions, but I'm just hoping to get some real answers from someone that actually works for your company. ;)

We still plan to do a Win 8 version separate from steam. That will be sold through the win 8 store. It'll be compatible with win 8 tablets as well. I believe it was put on hold for other platforms and Steam. We feel Steam will be a bigger market (reaches Win XP to Win 8).

Also the Win 8 version we have done is for tablets, using mobile assets. So on a high end Win 8 PC it wouldn't look as good, so we didn't feel it was ready to release.

Sounds delicious. *___*

Crap, he's on to me! :D


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I sense an impending explosion.

"A reminder that posts that serve no purpose other than to complain about the fact that the PC version is not yet released are being summarily deleted."

So let's get this established. it is not ok to complain, but mocking others who are waiting is ok? Nice.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The Carl explosion thing is a running gag:

And one that you yourself have participated in:

We still plan to do a Win 8 version separate from steam. That will be sold through the win 8 store. It'll be compatible with win 8 tablets as well. I believe it was put on hold for other platforms and Steam. We feel Steam will be a bigger market (reaches Win XP to Win 8).

Also the Win 8 version we have done is for tablets, using mobile assets. So on a high end Win 8 PC it wouldn't look as good, so we didn't feel it was ready to release.
Well, don't I look a charley now. My apologies to FarSight and the readership for incorrectly predicting that the Win8 version was dropped in favor of Steam.
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Is there going to be a trailer for the Steam version? I really want to see how it looks...


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Quote from the newsletter:

The version of our new Steam platform for the Pinball Arcade is now Beta! If you are one of our Kickstarter backers entitled to Beta access on the PC platform, watch your email for information on how to get access within the next few days. We are planning an August release for the Pinball Arcade on Steam with all of the current table packs available.

Hope to get the beta key soon =)
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