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  1. Gorgar

    Table Pack #64 Speculation

    Just to be different, I'm going to say it is a two pack. Bobby Orr's Power Play (Bally 1978, early solid state) and Fire Queen (Gottlieb 1977, EM)
  2. Gorgar

    Table Pack #64 Speculation

    Did the newsletter actually drop or is Kolchack just teasing us with his math skills?
  3. Gorgar

    Batman/DC license table rumor thread

    I'm bored, so I decided to start a rumor. Yay! If you hop over to the Zen forum, and there is a thread where a user asks about when a new table announcement will be made. The community manager respones by referencing Batman. And that is the basis for my rumor. Here is the link...
  4. Gorgar

    TPA Wishlist - The Ultimate 100

    At this point, it would be cool to see your original list to see how the current lineup of tables compares.
  5. Gorgar

    Table Pack #64 Speculation

    It's going to be Surfin Safari!!! :p
  6. Gorgar

    Table Pack #63 Speculation

    I'm not familiar with that show. I was thinking Pinball Circus. Those look like clown noses and a person pin balling between them. But your guess probably makes more sense.
  7. Gorgar

    Table Pack #63 Speculation

    I'm guessing a system 11. Probably this. Maybe Banzai Run.
  8. Gorgar

    Update Tomorrow?

    Black Knight emulation was first mentioned by Bobby King himself back in a early 2013 audio interview. He said "we are working on emulating that table" and that it should be out in April or May (of 2013) Source...
  9. Gorgar

    Update Tomorrow?

    I know that there will not be a new table this month, but does anyone know if there is going to be an update tomorrow (or possibly next Friday) with updates to older tables?
  10. Gorgar

    Which table(s) would you recommend for a beginner, besides Scared Stiff ?

    Medieval Madness and Attack From Mars are a little more difficult than Scared Stiff, but they are the type of tables that are easy to learn but difficult to master. They both have very similar layouts and rules, so I would start with Attack From Mars, the easier of the two. In general, the...
  11. Gorgar

    BlahCade 94: Bit Rot and Bug Fixes

    You don't see it during gameplay, but Black Hole should move in circles, which we would be able to see in attract mode. I think Taxi goes to the backglass when you get a joyride. Scared Stiff - spider hole Lights Camera Action
  12. Gorgar

    Very Confused after Upgrade to PS4, Tables not available

    No, previous purchases are not transferable to PS4. Downloading additional tables doesn't work through the game. You need to find them directly in the PSN store. Last I checked, it was difficult to find Pinball Arcade in the PSN store due to a glitch. If searching "Pinball Arcade" yields no...
  13. Gorgar

    Table Pack #62 Speculation

    A lot of people have been suggesting Farsight to take time off to fix bugs for years. But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. They are supposedly releasing Ghostbusters (and possibly others) to Stern Pinball Arcade next month, so I doubt they would get to much major bug squashing in TPA. I...
  14. Gorgar

    Ghostbusters for pc?

    It doesn't look like that Farsight's original Ghostbusters is coming to any other platforms. At the time of release, it was given its own app presumably because TPA was only for actual tables. Now that Doctor Who: Masters of Time is in TPA, that is no longer true. But I still wouldn't hold my...
  15. Gorgar

    New Official Poll: Pick the first table of season 7

    The good news is that this poll was probably a last minute thing since production on the first table of the next season should get underway once Swords of Fury releases next Friday. I think there is good reason to assume that they probably have both at the studio, meaning that the loser will...
  16. Gorgar

    New Official Poll: Pick the first table of season 7

    Farsight just posted this on their Facebook Looks like it will be either Paragon or Embryon. Two great tables. How am I supposed to pick between the two?
  17. Gorgar

    Help! Cliffhanger Loops Wizard Goal

    While I have seen people discussing the wizard goals for Dr. Who around here (particularly the 300M Davros Jackpot), I haven't really seen anyone talking about the 50 Cliffhanger Loops wizard goal, which I think is even harder. I think the highest I got was 20 something. Does anybody have any...
  18. Gorgar

    Cannot Purchase Season 6

    The store is messed up at the moment. To find it, search for any table (let's say TX Sector for instance), click on it, go right where it can take you to the Pinball Arcade page. Then look at the DLC and it should be there (somewhere)
  19. Gorgar

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    Tree women are hot

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