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  1. phreaker47

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Confirmed here too. It seems to be related to using a receiver in multichannel output mode and the game not sending the audio out properly for it. If you switch your receiver to a mono or two channel stereo mode, such as "AllChannelStereo" on an Onkyo receiver, it suddenly sounds better. I...
  2. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Finally got in, and the 14.99 discounted pack was available to me. Doesn't stack with the PS+ discount, but I'm not complaining. Still had $5 credit so $10 for all of season one is great.
  3. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Now trying to sign into PSN just times out. What the HELL!!!
  4. phreaker47

    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    I see that, but NOW I can't get signed back in!! Frustrating.
  5. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Well, I've bought EVERY table on the PS3, and it's not showing the discount for me. Just the PS+ discount. Still shows as $26.99. Maybe I need to do this directly from the PS4 instead of the website?
  6. phreaker47

    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    Well, I've bought EVERY table on the PS3, and it's not showing the discount for me. Just the PS+ discount. Still shows as $26.99. Maybe I need to do this directly from the PS4 instead of the website?
  7. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Doing this from work through the web based store. It said PA was FREE. I am assuming this means they're doing what they did with steam -- giving the game free but just with TOTAN. Is this right? I'll be home in 4 hours (and I don't have my Vita with me dammit...heh) I have not yet seen the...
  8. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Hasn't happened yet. Cool though I can now check from work and if it comes up, I can buy it and have it already downloaded when I get home. Maybe I'll be able to do that just before leaving today.
  9. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    I wouldn't want this on disc. Even without the discount. I'll use discs for the 50GB games.
  10. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Of course. Not the best choice of words. I just mean I'd be antsy for the PS4 version too if I hadn't had new tables in so long.
  11. phreaker47

    Funhouse Tactics and Strategies

    I only just now looked at the leaderboards via I never have before. From the looks of it, all the top tens except Funhouse are the same (at least the ones where I have a top ten score) Here's what PS3/Vita shows right now for Funhouse: And from
  12. phreaker47

    Funhouse Tactics and Strategies

    Weird. Do you see my 7.6 million on Haunted House? 12.6 million on Flight 2000? I think the syncing is inconsistent and it can be per table. I remember looking at the Android version once and seeing differences in the leaderboards compared to PS3/Vita, but not consistently across all tables.
  13. phreaker47

    pro menu

    That's the reason I've never bought pro table upgrades. I suggested this before, but I would buy them if they had it set to where you could still use select options from the operator's menu (ones that don't affect how the game scores) and still have leaderboard/goal/HOF access. It could as...
  14. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    I'll just say that if I were a TPA fan with a 360 (only) I'd want to piss on the forum every now and then too... heh
  15. phreaker47

    Funhouse Tactics and Strategies

    I put up 998 million on it (I quit intentionally because I was afraid of a billion points possibly not registering. BOP and TOM do this on Sony versions) and it was the #1 score for most of this year. Sir Moovenstein recently got 1.2B but looking from PS3/Vita these are still the two high...
  16. phreaker47

    Dear F.S. can this be fixed

    That's exaggerating a little. Most tables play perfectly well and lag-free and although screenshots look terrible viewed on a PC, they aren't nearly as bad on Vita's screen. Of course, that's not to say it couldn't be far, far better. Supposedly, the port runs entirely on the CPU and doesn't...
  17. phreaker47

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Cool they said something, but still basically "within six months" is all we get for now. Boo hoo.
  18. phreaker47

    IGN PS4 and PC review of TPA

    It seems the display bug has been ported over...heh (maybe it will display on 240hz tvs?) 1:05
  19. phreaker47

    Live stream NOW of PS4 gameplay

    I wouldn't attribute how that play looked to flipper lag. That player was just very casually playing... no advanced techniques used. Just looked like sloppy play to me.
  20. phreaker47

    Bug A million points taken away (Vita)

    Had a great ball one going last night. Had an EB and about 800K. Lost the ball, EOB bonus took me just past a million. Finished the game at 1,771,000. However, the game only listed my score as 771,000. It has scored me over a million properly already, before.

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