That does look like ROM corruption, haven't seen it yet though. The top 2 look like they might occur if your score goes beyond the 10B? If it does not mess up the game, we're fine. I still have a slight PTSD from a monster score on STTNG that bugged out on me, and that was accompanied by the...
Getting more than one of each type pinball as souvenir would be consistent with how souvenirs seem to work (stackable) but is still huge when considering EB possibilities! Nice to know in any case. I haven't seen any corruption to the DMD, what does it look like? Maybe a ROM-based thing?
I saw my score for Roadshow just yet, sorry about your score not posting. Anyway if you scored 16B, you'll probably have an even better game in you still!
Hi Maggie,
Great score! I had the same epic feeling when I posted my Black Knight score that at the time was no. 5 overall (I see it's still the no. 1 iOS score). I almost passed Tarek on that one, came very close. I just checked TPA's Leaderboards on the 'net and it says that there is...
Has this always been the case, or is that new functionality? Good to know, I thought we had a minor advantage.... :) You should try Road Show, it has that "just one more game" factor.
Also Tarek Oberdieck : this is probably the one advantage we iPad players have on PC players (besides taking our game everywhere we go); we get to hold the plungers in one place and this makes for a much more precise release. I also get the Flying Rocks EB quite easily, I would also say 1 in 2...
I laughed when I read this Tarek, not because it's not true but because of the faith you place in us mortals that we actually get to rollover the Blasts...... :)
invitro : hold bonus = hold bonus X (my bad!), and you are right, it should be a priority to get it up at 6x every ball. I did...
An optimal strategy will not be easy to find, there are a few risk/reward judgements to be made. I haven't had the time to put in a lot of gametime but this is what I look for:
- upping the bonus X is huge from mid-game on, my best and quite modest 3.4B came with a 500M bonus. Hold bonus is...
I voted no but I think there is a valid point to make if a table's difficulty ramps up a lot because of (exploitable) bug fixes and harder physics. Wiping those scores would be an option for me. There is a lot of grey area to explore there though, because beside from the very obvious situations...
I'm fairly proficient with the lock shot, so I'll go for that. If I don't get it near the 12-15M range, I just carry on shooting the left ramp-right ramp-piano to continue towards LITZ, that's a risk/reward thing. I probably also try to do both at the same time I think, just to put one ball away...
The one main thing to master on this table is left ramp (from either flipper and preferably with rollings shots), right ramp, piano shot. This is the fastest way to Lost in the Zone, for purpose of points. Extra balls come from the robots, and from the doors (modes) that you collect this way...
:) Can I come to Sweden too? Haven't been there but this summer I'll go to Denmark, and than it's just a short boatride over, isn't? Do you have any tables?
And back on-topic... :)
:) Consider yourself invited as soon as you find yourself in Nijmegen (city where I live)! I don't know if there would ever be an other reason besides coming to play, but I leave that up to you ;)
If you visit, then I have a NBA Fastbreak waiting besides LOTR, and in a couple of weeks a...
Does this also explain the remote backup faulty behaviour? I don't know if this has been fixed yet (I would think not), we have had a couple of releases in between now. I still don't like it that we have such a broken table amidst the collection, especially with such an insidious bug.
Great read SYT, those seem all valid points. That leads to the question how Farsight could go about a kickstarter to already secure funds to entice Disney to do a deal. Then again, I wouldn't know how that could be made to work, because that would be a very strange Kickstarter indeed.... :)
I think it's a step in the right direction. Funny thing is that the live catch sometimes interferes with my intention to backhand a shot. The first few times this happened, I thought for a millisecond that the app had crashed on me.... :)
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