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  1. Stuart Webster

    Why Has the Launch Button Moved to the Top Right of the Screen?

    Thanks for posting this. Personally, I find that our UI covers the necessary bases, but the UX is lacking... considering the confusion that many users have.
  2. Stuart Webster

    Request Overhead View in Operators Menu

    I actually added this to the mobile betas on Thursday. :)
  3. Stuart Webster

    Mac Version 2.6.0 Discussion and Feedback

    I just put v2.6.1 on the store. Might be a while before the store shows it.
  4. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Ryan's going to need to update his controller code when he gets back. *__*
  5. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    My first instinct is that UI buttons only look at the "oldest" touch in the list. Hmm... Edit: not oldest, whichever touch has index 0 in the touch array.
  6. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Yeah... The screen is pretty horrid when there's a low number in the list. >_<
  7. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Ahh right. Ryan populated the tournament with dummy data to test the functionality of the tiered tournaments.
  8. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Looks like the data hasn't been entered yet. I'll pass the memo along. (:
  9. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Eek! Thanks for reminding me about that. ^_^
  10. Stuart Webster

    Android - Bug Flight 2000 Pro Menu

    Correct. We've added an interface to the DIP switch settings for the table. It will be in the next update.
  11. Stuart Webster

    Cant buy table pack 16

    I wholeheartedly agree.
  12. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    The event camera on mobile devices still needs to be set. Looks like he didn't add T2 conditions into his controller code. Whoops, need to hook those sounds up. :)
  13. Stuart Webster

    Bug Mac Version 2.6.0 Bugs

    Thanks for the feedback. I've entered/made sure that these are in our bug database. I added an exit button and a fullscreen/windowed button to the main menu a few weeks back and I've set up free play & table of the month. I'm a little nervous about submission and review. :P
  14. Stuart Webster

    Cant buy table pack 16

    The Mac app store has been having lag on and off lately. Normally it only takes 1~5 seconds to retrieve in-app purchase data from the store, but I've experienced times of up to 5 minutes these past few days. :confused: Not sure if this is related or just coincidental to your issue.
  15. Stuart Webster

    T2 Beta

    Hey, it finally connected! :rolleyes:
  16. Stuart Webster

    (Minor Nitpick) The font keeps changing!

    I am both fascinated and horrified by this... >_< Cirqus Voltaire must be the "correct" one. The 't' curls up a lot and matches the general font of the user interface. *__*
  17. Stuart Webster

    (Minor Nitpick) The font keeps changing!

    Omg you guys have no idea how much this bugs me. *___*
  18. Stuart Webster

    Bug iOS Version 2.6.0 Bugs

    Kind of funny how this happened. The table we have in the studio has the plastic piece broken/missing between that screw and the flipper. I guess that lead to drawing half of the top of the metal post. :P All better~ (fix will be in next update)
  19. Stuart Webster

    It's August (Designated Complaint Area)

    That's exactly what I was thinking! *__*
  20. Stuart Webster

    Bug iOS Version 2.6.0 Bugs

    Looking at the code, it should still add the score to your local high scores and allow you to enter initials for it. However, it shouldn't allow you to get goals, post to the leaderboards, or get hall of fame points.

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