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  1. EldarOfSuburbia

    Stern Pinball Arcade Release Dates

    No sign of it on Android as of yet....
  2. EldarOfSuburbia

    Very torn about Farsight as a company (sort of rant but also a question, confused)

    First, I think maybe you need to be more selective of your analogies. As they go, the one you choose is at best insensitive, and at worst, might cause genuine offense or upset to someone on the forum. As for Farsight themselves - they have two problems: 1. They spread themselves too thin. At...
  3. EldarOfSuburbia

    A Guide To The World Of Fallout

    While the Skyrim table is pretty good with exposition within its storyline, and Doom doesn't really need any background knowledge, Fallout suffers from introducing terms and concepts that it just doesn't explain. If you're really interested in in-depth reading, I suggest the Fallout Wikia...
  4. EldarOfSuburbia

    BlahCade 81: 2016 In Review, and More

    With regard to background on Fallout - I'd be happy to write up a brief guide to the factions, if it'll help. The in-game instructions don't really expand on it either, and unless you're prepared to go out and read everything in the Wikis, someone not familiar with Fallout 4 is going to forever...
  5. EldarOfSuburbia

    Tapatalk stopped working for this Forum?

    Not seeing any issues here either. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  6. EldarOfSuburbia

    Table Pack #57 Speculation

    Ooh so it's another double-pack, eh? Nice!
  7. EldarOfSuburbia

    Bug Table manager errors

    Happened to me when I tried to download all tables before going away for a few days. More annoying than game breaking because perseverance sees you through but still needs looking at. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  8. EldarOfSuburbia

    I know MM was recreated by I think Chicago Gaming CO? Was it successfull? RELAUNCH?

    I've seen it around at a few shows, and it looks decent enough. It is very expensive. Never played one, they tend not to be set on free play. From what I understand, the remake is by the Australian owners of all of the WMS licenses, but the units themselves are being assembled in Stern's...
  9. EldarOfSuburbia

    12 Days 2016

    So... those custom balls - are they automatically added for Pro Season Pass owners (like previous ball packs were) or do they need to be purchased?
  10. EldarOfSuburbia

    Things Got Expensive

    I understand that the KISS show at the PPL was even more expensive, but that shouldn't surprise me.
  11. EldarOfSuburbia

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    It's annoying, but I'd hardly say it's game-breaking. I just got used to ignoring the shot and I can still play the table just fine. It's not like there aren't other house ball opportunities - anything going into the jets is a candidate for starters. Getting to multiball via the Comic is far...
  12. EldarOfSuburbia

    Best Physics Yet: Jacks Open and Centigrade

    I saw a PAPA video of Surf Champ (or a variant, I think the 4-player version?) and it looked intriguing, with the 5 rollovers in the middle of the playfield. I'd go for that.
  13. EldarOfSuburbia

    Table Pack #59 Speculation

    We've seen things like that before and they confirm nothing. There have been all sorts of odds and ends crop up that we've not seen. Confirmation is acceptable in the form of Steam achievements or the word of a Farsight employee. Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
  14. EldarOfSuburbia

    Things Got Expensive

    Tickets for ZZ Top at a local university's performing arts center in March? Wouldn't be too expensive you'd think but the cheapest tickets are $79. Ouch. I was kind of hoping to get to both that gig and Gn'R in Hershey in the summer; maybe not at those kinds of prices!!
  15. EldarOfSuburbia

    Arcooda Pinball Arcade

    It always has been. They have a Virtua Pin cab in their office with a partially finished cab version. It's even been brought out to a handful of shows, but not in the last couple of years. Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
  16. EldarOfSuburbia

    Merry christmas

    Table pack #58. Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
  17. EldarOfSuburbia

    Dr. Who not honoring replay

    Replay on Dr Who doesn't award an Extra Ball; it's how the table is set up in the operator's menu.
  18. EldarOfSuburbia

    American Hero

    2016 bite my ass. (I have a theory. It's controversial. But what happened in 2016 that hadn't happened since 1908? Think of the amount of... whatever... the Universe needed to pull that one off.)

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