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  1. W

    Ghostbusters pinball feedback

    yeah yay, just saw it! dling it now... "whatcha gonna installlll?" ;) GB PINBALL!!
  2. W

    Why is Zen so much Better than TPA at Acquiring Licenses?

    are those kneepads? ;) (;) kiddin' zenfolks!! :)
  3. W

    Why is Zen so much Better than TPA at Acquiring Licenses?

    "name a kind of newtonian-physics game that..." (interrupted by contestants - BOWLING? EIIH NO! BILLIARDS? EIIH! ... MARBLES?? mmm okay well maybe that... ;0) "now name another kind of fast, newtonian-physics and responsive game that can take place entirely within an armslength of your torso."...
  4. W

    Farsight Halloween Mod table (Ghostbusters)

    here's counting on fs to remake/remodel the hh layout for a gb table!! that would be just too much shorting the idea, if it were just a paint job... 1) fill in that damned hole between the two bottom right flippers!! that thing is a paaaain; the outers are far wide enough that that extra little...
  5. W

    The Party Zone

    that looks like some crazy fun! :) i've never seen that one before; first look at it made me think "dr. dude" - then i saw 'im on the playfield! (looks like it'll be easier to follow the ball around though; artwork isn't nearly as noisy as dr.d). lotta cool stuff looks like going on; looks like...
  6. W

    "empire strikes back" UNCUT released!

    it's already on tha yootoobs! i guess as of two hours ago. p.s. what, you've never heard of "star wars uncut"? then you have four-to-five hours of your night/weekend already blocked out for you... ;) one of the best reasons why the internet needed invented... just to create these fan-made...
  7. W

    In BSD can you light or make the coffin open?

    :) yeah, first time i saw that happen, i was like 'oh, yeah! nice work...' i suppose if they had missed putting in that detail, the pro players would've noticed (and bugged for a fix next update). but it probably would've just gone right by me...
  8. W

    BlahCade Podcast #12 - The Extraordinarily Awkward Pause

    yikes! well, there you go, like you guys just talked about in #12 - that's where pro mode's useful for average players like me, lol! :) sounds like a lot more 'work' to get there than the stiff-o-meter! yeah, any table has that kind of mode, where 'anywhere you hit there's points,' to instead...
  9. W

    BlahCade Podcast #12 - The Extraordinarily Awkward Pause

    it's an epic one! just finishing it now. i'll add to the parental rating on it - 'call your physician if your game lasts longer than four hours!' (and your phys will simply reply, 'good game!' :) great stuff as always - i've always been a bit cool on medieval, so i never knew there was a 'rule...
  10. W

    In BSD can you light or make the coffin open?

    is 'mist' when the second ball begins floating right-to-left across the table? (that table is fast enough i can never take much time to look at the display!) that's a pretty cool feature on it... i've once knocked that ball by just enough strength that the 'ghost ball' gets knocked out to play...
  11. W

    can FS add pro mode to MB/CBL/others??

    yeah it would be awesome for a few more of the popular tables to have it! but it must've not made much extra for the others (other than 'ss', i bet!)
  12. W

    BlahCade Podcast #12 - The Extraordinarily Awkward Pause

    WOW those hi-rez sound samples from the tables are totally night-and-day! p.s. why isn't this posted up on the front page yet?? i wouldn't have seen it if i hadn't looked down the subforums list... getting new blahcades is -almost- as good as getting a new table! :)
  13. W

    The Big Lebowski Pinball prototype

    hey i just saw on cnet: which can lead a lil more directly to: -lllloooksss nnnicccee!!-...
  14. W

    can FS add pro mode to MB/CBL/others??

    hey here's another q i thought about earlier... is there any plans/possibilities FS can add pro modes to some already-released tables, like "monster bash" or "creatures from the black lagoon"?? :) and any others currently lacking it? sure would be nice! :) relatedly, i presume adding it is most...
  15. W

    ok, just asking... JJ WOZ IN TPA FEASIBILITY???? :0

    yeah, i've gathered that there's already talk about leaving behind some older devices... blah! always having to keep up... i do hope they can jump into the newer sterns; since they're surviving, seems like anyone who gets to play a new one in the wild would be interested in getting a version to...
  16. W

    No New PS3 Tables Today?

    :) right, bet most pc players are using controllers like ps3/xbox style, is -much- easier to play that way! (although i have to say, i got really good playing the GTA3 trilogy via keyboard - original bioshock too ;0)
  17. W

    ok, just asking... JJ WOZ IN TPA FEASIBILITY???? :0

    just wanted to ask, because i don't think i've seen "the big question around here yet"... CAN TPA/farsight EMU A JERSEY JACK TABLE, like "wizard of oz"?? in current form? if not, -how much- work (lol, i bet, i know!) ... -how much- work would go into creating an emu robust enough to handle what...
  18. W

    What post addams family kickstarter

    the arcade here at the union had over the past year had first the ironman table, i remember trying it just once - really seemed tough/steep for a fast ball at the time!! then they replaced it with the new star trek - that seemed a bit easier, though they both felt the same a bit for...
  19. W

    What a Piece of Junk!

    she'll make point-five past light speed! she may not look like much from the outside, but she's got it where it counts kid; i've made a lot of special modifications myself. now if you'll just step inside, we've got a few of things to do before we blast off...
  20. W

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    ;0 i'll save on some tables that so far this year i haven't wanted too much - i'll get 'em someday! but for now, hmmm... i'lllll slip a twenty or five to this ks... ;0

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