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  1. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    Thanks for the feedback. This formula would make the difference between #1 and #10 equal to the difference between #10 and #100, though. I require #100 to be worth one point, so #10 would be worth about 50 points, and that's even lower than what happens in the exp formula, where #10 is worth...
  2. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    I am indeed ignoring usernames with a hacked score. I was not doing anything about glitches because I didn't know of them... except for the RBioN one, which I knew about, but hadn't implemented, oops! I am now skipping RBioN scores that match 10,0xx,xxx,xxx or 20,0xx,xxx,xxx. This gives you...
  3. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    I started out giving 0 pts for scores under #100. There seemed to be a lot of demand to give ranks #101-500 something, so I did... although it is almost zero with the exp formula. I think I completely agree that <#100 should be worth nothing, but a smooth scoring curve seems better. Or maybe...
  4. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    Rankings for 2014-05-16 Hi, here are the rankings for 2014-05-16. The last ranking was 2014-04-18. I've settled on a schedule of doing this every four weeks, so the next will be on June 13. There are several big increases and debuts this month. Which is great! There also appear to be...
  5. invitro

    Dealing with Loneliness (NP)

    To make friends, the idea is to not focus on -your- hobbies, but -their- hobbies. Talk to other kids about what they are interested in, and do the things that they like to do. It is always true, at any age, that the people with the most friends are the people who take interest in other people...
  6. invitro

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *WILLIAMS NON-LICENSE*

    Hasn't it been established that HS2 and Road Show are licensed? HS2 for ZZ Top, and RS for Carlene Carter? Was there a thread discussing which tables should be placed in a poll? I suppose not, as this error (if it indeed is an error) would have been caught. I suggest in the future, making...
  7. invitro

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *WILLIAMS NON-LICENSE*

    I am curious if there are any facts to support this and similar assertions. I don't think this is how licenses work, because if they did, lots of licensed tables would be present already. The only fact I am aware of regarding the cost of licenses is that songs by well-known recording artists...
  8. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    I am planning to post new rankings every four weeks. So I'll do one on or around May 16. :)
  9. invitro

    How some people can achieve such ridiculous scores?

    For my player-ranking posts, I eliminate scores from players who I feel certain have hacked scores. I have only six such players, covering when I started grabbing scores in February, to the last time I checked, a week ago: my @HACKERS = ('Rob', 'FailSight', 'The Pinbug Arcade', 'NukaCola'...
  10. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    If I set a max-out score on FH, and average the points of scores above that, what score should it be?
  11. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    I am a little dubious of your claim that several** other players can play these tables for 12 hrs. Here is the reason: My FH #3 game took me 12 hrs, and my MM #8 game took me 9.5 hrs. And when I play I take very frequent breaks and go very slowly. So if more than five* other people have had a...
  12. invitro

    Request General Game Polish

    That is great news! My guess was apparently not a well-educated one and I suppose I shouldn't have stated it. There are not many unlicensed 1990s WMS tables left though.
  13. invitro

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    Here is a new Top 100. I got the data today (2014-04-18; the previous data is for 2014-03-21). I am still considering these scoring changes: - To count a max of half the total # of tables, to be more fair to players on platforms that don't have all the tables yet, and to players who dislike a...
  14. invitro

    Top 300 Players (by leaderboard)

    That's enough for me! Thank you very much for the info and screenshot.
  15. invitro

    your highest all-time rank?

    I am very happy to see another Top 10 player posting! I think WD may be too easy for a six-hour score to stand too long at #1, though. It looks like you are now the #2 player! Wow! You don't happen to have any gameplay videos anywhere do you? :)
  16. invitro

    What table has been the biggest letdown/surprise on TPA?

    Letdowns: WHO dunnit is not supposed to be all that good, but I was really looking forward to it, and it is so easy that I played it for a total of one day. And it's much less interesting that I expected. Harley Davidson is even worse than I expected and is my least favorite TPA table. Black...
  17. invitro

    Request General Game Polish

    I certainly agree! I and others have given solutions that seem very easy. The easiest I can think of is to make Call Attendant work if the machine has been in Tilt for 10 minutes (or 1 minute, or whatever). I had games killed by this missing-ball bug I think four times through January. But...
  18. invitro

    Top 300 Players (by leaderboard)

    Can anyone confirm this? I noted a suspicion about his Centaur score of 234,567,890, but have not banned him from my rankings, as no other of his scores look like hacks. (I could not find evidence of him posting on this forum.)
  19. invitro

    Future Season 3 Poll

    I want whichever table won't be stale after 5 minutes. I've played ES and Cyclone each dozens of times, mostly when they were new, and don't remember them clearly. I vaguely remember ES as being the least Lawlor, and way behind WWind. And I vaguely remember Cyclone being literally hit one...

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