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  1. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Party At Ground Zero - Fishbone
  2. shutyertrap

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    The downside is the perception of Sony and their PSN store. To the average customer that is. They go to a friends house, see a better looking TPA, ask why theirs doesn't look like that. Friend tells them all the steps needed to get new version, they respond with "that's stupid!" and say Sony...
  3. shutyertrap

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    Yes, they can do this, and with what they were mentioning last time about a fix for Black Knight, that is exactly what they'd have to do. I think it's more of a Sony does not want them to ask customers to do just that, and FarSight wants to keep Sony happy since they've been promoting the game a...
  4. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Love Is The Drug - Roxy Music Do I get extra points for including 2 of the words?!
  5. shutyertrap

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Did you just miss everyone? I logged off at 10:45 pm your time, and there was still 6 people in the room. Hard to believe they all scrambled after. Make sure the chat room you enter is pinballarcadefans 'cause that where we all be! I have found that 9-9:30 eastern is a great time to check in...
  6. shutyertrap

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    Yeah, the PS3 news. Seconding what has already been said...if you know you can't go back and fix the graphics, why would you put out something that is so glaringly obvious like Genie? One thing to release a buggy table who's code can be fixed, but a whole nother thing releasing what can't. I...
  7. shutyertrap

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Lettin' people know, nice group of people in the chatroom right this minute. come join the fun...
  8. shutyertrap

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    Okay, my bad. YouTube crapped out on me at minute 27.
  9. shutyertrap

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    Here's what I got out of this... Difficulty settings in pro menu. Same with physical settings. 5 minute challenge! Online head to head next coupla updates maybe. Data East and Sega next year? BBB not anytime soon. Emulation not fast enough. Orbiter 1 sucks!! Camera zoom off? Very soon. Wants to...
  10. shutyertrap

    Classic Stern Poll - Official FarSight Poll (Closed)

    Can't say I've played any of these, so I voted strictly off what looked interesting to me. One question...why the space theme for 9 ball?
  11. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Down In It - NIN
  12. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Working for the Weekend - Loverboy
  13. shutyertrap

    1 Ball Challenge

    Well, it's been over a week...he needs to get pickin'!!
  14. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood
  15. shutyertrap

    Past newsletters ?

    That'd be fantastic! I got all of 2 newsletters in the past, then they stopped coming. No matter how many times I go to the website and enter my email, no new ones come.
  16. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas
  17. shutyertrap

    Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

    I'm down for beta testing too! Windows 8 64-bit system here.
  18. shutyertrap

    The Random Thought Thread

    Often I'll turn on the PS3 with the intention of playing Zen 2, but then wind up playing TPA out of guilt. TPA is one selfish b!itch.
  19. shutyertrap

    The Song Title Game

    Space Invaders - Player One
  20. shutyertrap

    Stern metallica pinball

    Well karl, I say if you can afford the Premium version, then what the hell! My guess would be that one of those fuel targets is directly related to the hammer.

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