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  1. superdan

    Table of the Week Club...Week 51: SPACE SHUTTLE

    Wish I heard about TLE recochet shot from left flipper shot sooner rather than later. Never occurred to me to do deliberately while I thought right flipper was key to the airlock targets. Seems to be working for me (iOS platform). Now I just need to practice it until I hit 27 mil :) Cheers
  2. superdan


    Addicted to fireball already. I Like el dorado too, so much better than city of gold. I think more pure, no annoying jungle beats or monkey screams. TPA is making me a believer in EM's and find myself constantly going back to the EM tables. Now if they can invest a little time and money into...
  3. superdan

    January TotM Groupings and Results

    Made the unfortunate decision to get the tourney out of the way after a long day at work. Played about as well as Arizona played against Carolina in the NFC championships...poorly! I want to just ignore it and try again later after a good sleep, but I must abide to the spirit of the rules. T2...
  4. superdan

    Options for continuing TotW

    Just my opinion that is as valid or invalid as anyone else's. Games outside tpa should be separate tournies imo. Totm should definitely continue and be TPA centric...and games re-introduced in some way or form. I think it may be interesting to change the format. a lot of ways to do this...round...
  5. superdan

    Table of the Week Club...Week 48: TERMINATOR 2

    Discovered the chase loop exploit millions plus just recently. Did not watch player videos, just sort of tinkered until the ah ha moment ding ding... In the past was scoring from 100-250mil approx going for superjackpots and loops. Now just scored 750mil using chase loop exploit. Will never...
  6. superdan

    December TotM Groupings and Results

    Voted for goin nuts because least likely practiced table and not generally liked, may give the best fairness to the elite pompous out of touch players :) kidding. Anyway, trying to calm my excitement with a probable Dr. Who, my results minus a cup of joe was better than expected with funhouse...
  7. superdan

    Sign ups for December TotM!

    I wasn't able to play the totw for the first time last month due to a busy holiday weekend. broke my streak unlike the Carolina Panthers... I have another busy holiday weekend, but darn it, going to find a way. Lock myself in a bathroom or something. My strength is persistence, certainly not...
  8. superdan

    It's out on iOS!

    I've been waiting for this one, Judge Dredd! great games, great memories playing it back in the day. Will have to lift my protest and buy pro for this one. Been upset with Farsight in general but specifically with iOS with not investing in multi-player modes, improved user interfaces, daily...
  9. superdan

    Sign ups for November TotM!

    Have to miss this one unfortunately. Thanksgiving stuff. And may the odds be ever in your favor :) see yah in the next. Cheers
  10. superdan

    November mobile tournament is up!

    My iOS devices crashing on tourney, iPad and iPhone. Hope it's fixed sooner then later. As I said earlier, farsight needs to go beyond putting out a new game each month and collecting their monies and work on their infrastructure, multiplayer modes, and functionality amongst other things. As...
  11. superdan

    October TotM Groupings and Results

    First off, I really like the expanded hours of the tourney. Now I can play late at night, night owl that I am, without distractions from mi familia. But now it's decaf instead of regular coffee :) Secondly, from somebody who made a college attempt, another thanks for putting the tourney...
  12. superdan

    September TotM Groupings and Results

    Very good cup of joe today, even with the distractions of college football and a hyper 4 Year old. Thought my score on Dracula was great until until I saw other people's score. No matter, Happy today and didn't care much about lights, Camera, action. Dr. dude:28,965,740. High score for me...
  13. superdan

    August TotM Groupings and Results

    Fair to below average cup of joe today. Just felt blah today with the pun intended, in addition to a rambunctious 4 year old who wouldn't cough up the settled for the phone today. Party Zone:71,913,850. Just finally purchased this game yesterday after a long procrastination...
  14. superdan

    Current iOS tourney.

    Placed first in silver star tourney. I assume most discussion this thread is on gold star because my scores were not as high as mentioned...e.g. ww=56 mil, fp=1.7 mil, SS=5.2 mil, don't recall the others. I had some problems with firepower as previously mentioned, I.e. Glitches. Played on my...
  15. superdan

    July TotM Groupings and Results

    Great season, great tourney, and just gets better...and a nice reason to play the games, even the ones we'd rather not. Must of had a good cup of joe today, big shot: 163,830: EB's on the last ball, blessed be Totan: 23,002,560: one jewel from saving the princess...dang it TZ: 741,971,070: no...
  16. superdan

    Sign Up for July TotM link

    Big shot for pu/su yeppers :rolleyes: c u later
  17. superdan

    June TotM Groupings and Results

    Driving to costco today in Vegas, temperature said 116 deg F. Hot weather, unfortunately, not so hot play wise. Tried to get game in here and there doing errands, not recommended. But enjoyed as usual! Scores: Harley: 260,537,490. My best showing today, all for Multiballs. El dorado: 277,480...
  18. superdan

    May TotM Groupings and Results

    Impressed with the quality and speed of the results. Thumbs up on the 2nout (totm). Farsight take notice. Cheers
  19. superdan

    May TotM Groupings and Results

    I assume my scores were registered, but just in case: Whirlwind: 16,677,490 (what I expected minus the eb's) Centaur: 5,615,450 (fun game, fun mb action) Monster bash: 711,334,550 (almost all ball 3 2nd game tilt luck box action) Cue ball wiz: 204,450,290 (I guess better score than I thought...

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