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  1. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Now there are actually people pledging $1 so they can complain about the fulfillment from the previous kickstarters. Great.
  2. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Here's the way I see this Kickstarter - If you come to these forums strictly because you dislike the product and want to complain to anyone who will listen (read) your complaints, then that's your right and you shouldn't back this kickstarter. Otherwise, it would seem you come to these forums...
  3. Ark Malmeida

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    Yes, take your time Jeff. The only reason we're anxious to have a part three is because of the incredible job that you did on the first two parts!
  4. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I was just coming in here to post about that. I don't recall them making any comments for the previous kickstarters. Certainly a good sign. Now we just need to see consistent updates!
  5. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I hope you are right about it being successful. If they stay as quiet throughout this campaign as they did the other two it has a very good chance of failing. They really need to be responsive and have constant updates throughout the campaign.
  6. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Today's output definitely has me worried. I was hoping that the start of the work week would bring a decent bump to help amount for the fact that this one didn't get off to the same fast start as the first two. Looks like it's going to be a tight one the whole way.
  7. Ark Malmeida

    Round 2: TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King

    I was wondering if Bobby has given any indication that he's ready for this. With the two new console reveals, E3, the latest news about the PC and Wii U versions and the T2 Kickstarter, we certainly have a lot to ask about!
  8. Ark Malmeida

    DLC Release Date

    Hopefully the courts are quick on this one. I've been patiently waiting to get TZ and ST:TNG via kickstarter and would love to have T2 as the tri-fecta once this is all finally cleared up.
  9. Ark Malmeida

    If the Playstation 4 release doesn't address their inability to update tables then...

    The Xbox One does too, but apparently Sony comes with a mic, which the One does not. The camera thing will be interesting for sure. I read an article that said that only 4.7 percent of PS3 users adopted the Move, so I wonder if it will be worth it to pick it up. The gamble (which could very...
  10. Ark Malmeida

    New XBOX (XBox One)

    I do appreciate the picture - it's very soothing. I get all the Xbox One hate, and I get people's reasoning. It is the vogue thing after all, and although I get it, it has gotten very tiresome. My frustration is that this is the second thread that I've tried to inquire about whether Farsight...
  11. Ark Malmeida

    If the Playstation 4 release doesn't address their inability to update tables then...

    Since you're in the USA I'll give the Prices in $ PS4 - $399 XBox One - $499 The main difference seems to be that Microsoft is taking another chance on the Kinect and including it (much to the chagrin of a LOT of people) and Sony is not including their eye camera.
  12. Ark Malmeida

    New XBOX (XBox One)

    Nice. Keep it classy. Thought this board was a place we could come and have positive discussions without all the crap that goes on elsewhere. The amount of negativity in almost every thread now is making this place not all that fun to come to anymore. I know it's the internet and all, but...
  13. Ark Malmeida

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #2 - Williams (Closed)

    Couldn't agree more. Throw in a few Data East tables (Star Wars in particular) and this is the list of machines I grew up on.
  14. Ark Malmeida

    New XBOX (XBox One)

    Why is it that people who are not interested in the Xbox One feel the need to constantly come into a thread created specifically for the XBox One and bash it? You don't see me going into PS3/PS4 threads to say how much I dislike Sony products and listing my reasons why I'm not getting a PS4...
  15. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Not according to the terms of Kickstarter. It's supposedly a no-no. I'm sure it's happened in a round about way in other kicstarters, but it's no supposed to under their terms.
  16. Ark Malmeida

    New XBOX (XBox One)

    Right, that's what I'm thinking too. As I said in the DLC Release date thread I wonder what happened to that new publisher that Farsight had lined up. I'm wary about Crave as a publisher going forward since they didn't seem like they did all that great of a job even when they weren't facing...
  17. Ark Malmeida

    New XBOX (XBox One)

    That's what I've been trying to find out, but Farsight is mum on the issue, which makes me a little nervous.
  18. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Not sure why people feel if someone has a different opinion on something that they're wrong. Why can't someone prefer a console or tablet to the PC?
  19. Ark Malmeida

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Just pledged. I really hope this is successful so they can keep momentum going and make a play for other licenses like The Adams Family and The Simpsons Pinball Party. I'd love for them to be able to shoot for big kahunas like Williams Indy and The Lord of the Rings someday too.
  20. Ark Malmeida

    DLC Release Date

    So does that mean that they will still be using Crave as their publisher? I was really happy to see that they had originally found a different publisher because Crave didn't seem to be doing a stellar job even when they didn't have any bankruptcy issues.

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