What bothers me more than general negativity is repeating one's preferences over and over and over. Please, put it in your signature and spare us the repetition. For example, we get that you like multiball.
Personally, I put most of my negativity into the Mac subforum, where it is richly...
Hmm. The gameplay of Spirit of 76 and Royal Flush appeal to me far more than their visuals. Then again, I actually played them in the '70s.
I can easily see TPA going beyond two seasons. We may lose monthly releases at some point, but FS will be making profit catching up on some platforms and...
The reality is that the most popular newer tables will eventually be in TPA. At that point, a higher percentage of classic older tables makes sense. Eventually, interest drops enough, and monthly releases may go bye-bye. FS will still be able to expand to new hardware (and catch up on the...
Annoying music or sound bites are what turns me off. Black Knight comes to mind. Many people love it, but the repetitive soundtrack is grating.
The Gorgar heartbeat, on the other hand, works for me. Play longer and it gets faster.
The biggest oversight is Joker Poker missing the top 10 in the Gottlieb poll, finishing at 11. A lot of dreck in that 10.
I'm happy to see Indianapolis 500 sneak into the Bally 10, but I would happily trade it for either Paragon or Fathom.
I think we have to consider the quality of the DMDs coming out, and not just the quantity. Obviously, some of the best came out in the first season. Addams Family will certainly add quality to the current season, and also be a crowd pleaser.
And Mick is dead on with his comments.
Checkpoint and Laser War need votes. They are just out of the top ten, and the sympathy votes for Sega's Viper Night Drivin' have it currently in the 10 spot.
I love the tachometer in Checkpoint, and Laser War is a lot of colorful fun.
Glad to see Seawitch in a comfortable nine spot.
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