Pre-rendering would probably also increase the size of the table assets, and increase the amount of work they'd have to do to port the game to different platforms.
I can see pros and cons to either approach. For early 1990s computer hardware, pre-rendering was clearly the way to go, and you...
Doing Lyman's Lament with the flipper code doesn't get you the wizard goal. You have to get it the hard way.
(Exploiting the ROM's multi-player bug apparently gets you the points, just like on the real table, but not the goal, though I haven't tried it.)
The cost and cost structure of the license depends on whatever Farsight can negotiate with the rights-holders. My understanding is that the TZ and Star Trek: TNG licenses involved both an up-front payment and a per-unit residual. The Kickstarter was mostly to raise the considerable up-front...
I don't know that it's particularly troublesome, honestly, it's just that the few times I've gotten there I was nervous enough to drain immediately, as you said.
Pinbot is inherently a tough, tough game. The real thing is a drain monster. But it's one of my favorites.
That advance-planet target was really hard to hit in PHoF!
I don't know which is hardest, but the easiest set of wizard goals by default is Gorgar, since it's the only one I've finished. (It was the first set I got in PHoF, too, I believe.)
There are some tables for which I'm only missing one. For ToM it's finishing Grand Finale; for Taxi it's the...
The price discussion inspired me to wonder and poke around some more about historical pinball prices and how they varied with inflation. It appears to me that something close to 75 cents in 2012 money is actually a pretty historically typical price for one pinball game.
In the 1970s, there was...
I think this is about right. As you said, the well isn't completely dry: there's still The Addams Family, the holy grail of real-pinball simulation. If the rights situation ever got to the point where Farsight could actually announce a Kickstarter, it'd spark a wave of interest comparable to or...
I remember finally finding the Wii version on a rack of obscure off-brand games at FYE. I think that kind of bargain-bin world was Crave's accustomed distribution channel.
TPA is great, but there's no true substitute for the real thing. Real pinball is harder and more unpredictable, and there's a special attraction to the fact that you're knocking around a real ball with physical flippers.
That's provided that the table is in good repair! A broken table with...
This comment made me look up a video of Fireball. Wow, it's an ingenious EM. With multiball.
It's interesting that Bally not only produced a solid-state sequel, Fireball II (which I have played), but also did a solid-state remake of the EM table years later as Fireball Classic. Though Fireball...
You know, it's even worse than I thought. Inflation was tremendous during the 1970s, and I think pinball already cost a quarter a play near the beginning of the decade, which would have been well over a dollar in today's money. Without jacking up the price, arcade owners would have had to run as...
It did seem to me that PHoF: Williams had fewer weird game-breaking bugs, though the relatively benign "ball fell off table" glitch did happen pretty often. PHoF: Gottlieb seemed buggier than the Williams one.
I can't speak to the visual-quality differences since I played PHoF on the Wii, which...
...Also, note, since they have bouncy castles or climbing structures or something, they can generally charge admission; the arcade is a secondary attraction. It's not pulling kids in from the shopping mall just to play Defender.
Arcades that cater to kids actually do exist and thrive today, but they don't have pinball. They're full of redemption ticket games and crane games, and are usually attached to bouncy-castle places or laser-tag emporia. Often there are a few modern driving games, and video redemption games like...
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