Hmm... I wonder if some of the apparent ball-through-flipper glitches in TPA are really balls flying over the flipper? Probably not the majority of them, but still...
The thing that always surprises me on some real tables is when the ball does a fast center drain and makes an incredibly loud...
Especially considering that they're not getting any more cash for it from the people who already contributed sufficient money to the Kickstarter, who are presumably the same folks who would be most interested in buying a Twilight Zone table.
After complaining that Bride of Pinbot was too easy in TPA, Mark Miwurdz revealed that his preferred way of doing a left-to-right flipper pass on that table was to hold the ball on the left flipper and nudge it clear over to the right! Apparently this works, though I haven't tried it myself. I...
Since I haven't played this particular table in real life, I can't speak to accuracy, ramp physics, bounciness, flipper gaps, etc.
But Medieval Madness is really hard! For TPA, at least. So many shots produce a hard-to-remedy center drain if they don't go off exactly as planned, and sometimes...
So it may be more an artwork issue. In many other cases, it appears that the unlit states of playfield lights have been made unrealistically dark so that the state change stands out clearly even with the limited brightness range available from an LCD (people have been complaining about this in...
The change may be to make it as clear as possible which monster faces are lit. A computer display doesn't have as much dynamic range as a playfield with bright incandescent lights under it, so making the unlit faces brighter could risk making the lights harder to read. As it is, it's very easy...
Not those, I mean the small white circular lights nearby that have GOR and GAR written on them.
(I see the lights performing the correct behavior in the XBox 360 preview video. But they're fairly visible even when unlit, and it's possible that the change in brightness is just very subtle on...
On the real table, I'm pretty sure these small lights on the upper playfield light up to indicate when you've completed the GOR and GAR target banks. On Android 1.4.2, they seem to be lit all the time (at least, their appearance doesn't change).
We already know that fast-moving balls can occasionally pass through solid walls and "fall off the table", maybe because the ball is moving fast enough that it passes entirely through some zone in which the engine is checking for wall collisions in between two simulated moments of time. This...
On Android, it's different: TPA is a free download and does act like a hub there, with free trials that let you play part of a game. Not only that, they've got the free ad-supported Table of the Month, so that you can actually play one complete game without paying anything.
(And that's exactly...
It's just a relatively easy table (my impression is that the real game is too). Much easier than Pin*Bot.
I'm not that good, but even I can usually play for a while on this one.
A page purporting to explain the Sausage Bonus logic:
It sounds as if the bonus may be omitted entirely if Rudy was saying something at the time.
The game in general is kind of like someone decided to remake "Holy Grail" but with all the jokes lifted from a late-era Mel Brooks movie. Well, it's pinball...
I recently saw something like this on Black Hole. A ball was locked in the capture hole on the upper level, but no new ball appeared at the plunger, and the game was therefore stuck in an unplayable state (with call attendant not working). What's potentially interesting is that, since you can...
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