The latter, of course. There was a decent table that used a timer instead of ball count to control play. It's Travel Time, a Williams table from 1973.
Still experimenting with the keyboard UI... The [space bar] now operates: My Tables, Start, Continue, launching the ball and toggling between locked and free camera mode (the latter is disabled during launch.) That sounds like overuse of one control to me. It's like the Macintosh developer is...
I was playing with a keyboard today, and just realized that you can use the [space bar] to operate the Start buttons. Just throw in navigation, key mapping and proper window widgets—and you might have a real Macintosh program.
Oh, and graphics. Did I mention graphics?
An alpha list:
Bad Cats (1989)
Blackout (1980)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1993)
Flash (1979)
Getaway: High Speed II, The (1992)
Grand Lizard (1986)
High Speed (1988)
Jack*Bot (1995)
Junk Yard (1996)
Stellar Wars (1979)
Can't wait for the Bally poll. Can you spell P-A-R-A-G-O-N?
Keep dreaming. Classic Sterns rock, but Flight 2000 is just another ho-hum layout which happens to have a unique multiball delivery system. I eventually buy all of the table packs, but this one won't be on the rush list.
I can confirm that it stays full screen once I switch it. It should default to full screen, since the performance is terrible in windowed. Small steps.
I've been playing pinball for decades. I've played many tables over the years. The vast majority haven't made it to TPA, and most of them never will. Some of the newer tables that I've played will also never make it to TPA, due to licensing issues. Visual/Future Pinball help.
Pinball just isn't...
He's one Bad Cat
People do favor the recent machines. Often, the soundtracks grate on my nerves. The love for Fish Tales surprises me a little. It's fun, but gets old really quick. I suppose many people don't play a given table that many times.
People like their toys, so I can see Red & Ted's...
I'm old enough to have appreciated the EM poll, but this Williams poll will be tough to narrow down. Some initial thoughts...
...snip... Bad Cats only sold 2,500, but the ruleset is quite impressive. This table places a premium on setting up high scoring shots. Consecutive shots to the left...
Virtual Pinball is the <your favorite scatological term here>
I can't imagine why this article is suddenly getting a lot of action. [/sarcasm]
If anyone needs a written tutorial on the install and setup of Visual Pinball:
The article...
It's pretty safe to assume that iOS is the lion's share of DLC (IAP.) iOS users buy more, in general. In fairness, some platforms have yet to get off the ground (or barely, in the case of XBOX.)
I guess I'd better vote before time runs out. I've decided to vote strategically. Spirit of 76 is the most important table to be in TPA, so I'll avoid voting for the other front runners from last Saturday's reveal. The other criteria are gameplay over artwork, good use of the playfield features...
FYI: The bugs listed above have been acknowledged by FS. This does not guarantee any fixes, but they have used the word bug. That's a start.
The Big Shot graphics bug also happens in Central Park. Selecting the default pinball in the Extras menu causes a glitch. The workaround is to simply exit...
Nope. The full description also only lists 8 cities. That would be a wise change for the next update.
Pinball machine locator for Portland, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, Boston, the San Fransisco Bay Area, and British Columbia.
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