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  1. FarSight_Matt

    Ask Me Almost Anything

    This isn't the right thread for this, but did you purchase them while the disk version was in the PS4? If not it would download the DLC version of the game and you would have to take the disk out each time you wanted to use the glo balls. Email to see what they can...
  2. FarSight_Matt

    Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?

    Nonsense, Norman wanted to retire we even had a party and everyone showed up. He comes in every now and then still. Norman did buy tables, but before Norman, Bobby was buying tables and guess who's still here? It's not like it's hard to buy pinball tables either.
  3. FarSight_Matt

    Ask Me Almost Anything

    It was actually only like 440 yen (~$4)
  4. FarSight_Matt

    Ask Me Almost Anything

    This was my favorite ramen I've had.
  5. FarSight_Matt

    Ask Me Almost Anything

    I've only been here 2 years, haven't worked on that many tables.
  6. FarSight_Matt

    Get Your Fix of TotAN While You Can

    On PS4 TotAN will be owned for everyone that bought Season 1. On iOS TotAN will be owned for everyone that bought the $.99 app purchase. (We're hoping to make it so people who've only bought any other table without the $.99 app purchase will also have TotAN owned) On Steam TotAN will be owned...
  7. FarSight_Matt

    Maybe it's time to move on

    Compatibility doesn't just come down to software though, it's all the assets that need to be downgraded, sometimes this is a bigger obstacle (Like with Ghostbusters). The lowest PC settings don't always match the highest for other systems.
  8. FarSight_Matt

    Suspicious mails from FarSight with Word attachment, probably Virus

    It's fine, it wasn't because someone downloaded anything or clicked something and it was just the email server we use. We're not taking this lightly though.
  9. FarSight_Matt

    Suspicious mails from FarSight with Word attachment, probably Virus

    It looks like it's just that year old Google documents phishing scammer.
  10. FarSight_Matt

    Cross-buy between SPA and TPA is up!

    I'm especially impressed with the ramp's wall penetration.
  11. FarSight_Matt

    Farsight employees: What Bally/Williams tables WERE you working on?

    I thought there only was a Stern one, that explains a lot.
  12. FarSight_Matt

    Request Darker room lighting. Matching that of Stern Pinball Arcade

    Hello. I can make specific tables look darker, but as far as making PBA look like Stern - I don't have control over that.
  13. FarSight_Matt

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    I still have my list of things I want to fix, when I'm not so busy I still plan to chip those away.
  14. FarSight_Matt

    Columbia/Sony license - is a new deal possible?

    If we made The Who table then you could hear the menu music in-game too!
  15. FarSight_Matt

    Menu Music Bug

    I've notified people of this.
  16. FarSight_Matt

    Arcooda questions

    So the Arcooda software and the cabinet can be bought and used separately, but how much is the Arcooda cabinet? Have they announced a price?
  17. FarSight_Matt

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    And then some of those same people complain about company's being greedy
  18. FarSight_Matt

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    Don't blame Disney, they're just doing their job. Thank the self-serving government, but I guess they're just doing their job too.
  19. FarSight_Matt

    Possible help for determining what Season(s) to buy: Ratings cross reference

    Awesome spreadsheet, didn't realize Season 1 was so stacked.

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