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  1. Clawhammer

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.4

    Awesome. I really like Robot. +1 for touch nudging.
  2. Clawhammer

    7 million TPA downloads in 2012

    Wrong! Bobby is a crook! FS is a scam! The T2 KS isn't even real, they are just going to take our money and run. Ok, back to Facebook... :cool:
  3. Clawhammer

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Interesting he said in the video that they had digitized 18 tables so far, that video must be old.
  4. Clawhammer

    Can someone help me with touch nudge

    Central Park.
  5. Clawhammer

    AFM - A few clarifications

    #3- This is from Brian Dominy's rulesheet: For the rest of the ball after Ruling the Universe, you can collect Victory Laps by shooting any of the five combo shots. The Combo arrows will be solidly lit. Shooting any arrow unlights that arrow and awards a Victory Lap (complete with whooshing...
  6. Clawhammer

    farsite vp and fp

    The backlash from taking action against VP from VP/FP fans, many of which probably also play TPA, seems like it would be much worse than any sort of gain they might attain from it. Still, seems way too early to speculate on this.
  7. Clawhammer

    Zaccaria graphics settings

    Looks nice. Thanks for sharing. I'd like to hear anyones custom physics settings- I had one I liked before the update but I can't seem to get it quite right with the new settings.
  8. Clawhammer

    Sorcerer’s Lair (free), Paranormal, Fantastic Four and Civil War on Steam friday

    Good news for PC users/Zen fans. I normally much prefer TPA to Zen, but I will admit that Zen's mac version blows TPA's out of the water.
  9. Clawhammer

    Demolition Man - what's the appeal?!

    Solid Nordman game IMO, although not a showstopper. It has good flow. DM is MUCH more fun with the claw disabled... otherwise it becomes lock freeze all day which gets dull.
  10. Clawhammer

    Request Atlantis (Bally)

    I'd be happy to see both Bally and Gottlieb Atlantis in TPA.
  11. Clawhammer

    Request Lost World (1978)

    Gameplay video here for anyone that is interested.
  12. Clawhammer

    Table Pack #16 Speculation

    Probably a bigger license than it seems. Fun game though.
  13. Clawhammer

    rare doctor who episodes apprently found!?

    I'd be very surprised if this is true. My understanding is there have been numerous other claims of lost DW episodes being found on a large scale and they became unconfirmed.
  14. Clawhammer

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    Thanks. Hoping for improved touch nudge soon. Also, the app seems to move from portrait to landscape too ambitiously, sometimes from just a slight move of the phone during play. Anyone else experiencing this?
  15. Clawhammer

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    Stupid question... Was touch nudging implemented? How do you turn it on?
  16. Clawhammer

    Champion Pub Video

    Much more excited about WW. Was hoping for a release today, but that probably won't happen if the promo was released yesterday.
  17. Clawhammer

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    It's awesome that GC support is now included, although I think there should be some stipulations- make it only for 3 ball simulation or something like that. I haven't even bought the 5 ball option yet... Also, on Hot Wheels, a clean shot to the spinner from the left flipper seems to fly into the...
  18. Clawhammer

    WOW! I love Attack from Mars

    AFM is an excellent game, more varied and interesting than MM imo, even though the latter is the more desirable/expensive game IRL. My favorite Brian Eddy game has to be TS (the Shadow) though. Hoping for that in TPA some day.
  19. Clawhammer

    Instructions... Score killers

    Like you mentioned, sound can play a factor. Raising the stiff-o-meter in SS immediately comes to mind.

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