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  1. Clawhammer

    My Pinball Arcade Cabinet (iPinCade)

    That's amazing! The lockdown bar looks fantastic. I would love some video.
  2. Clawhammer

    [Unofficial] Community poll for next TPA Kickstarter

    I hope BSD is an easy/cheap license. A man can dream.
  3. Clawhammer

    The left outlane!

    I played a Pin*Bot on location a lot in Portland, OR that had the famed bumpers to left outlane vacuum.
  4. Clawhammer

    Alley Passing (Shatzing the Inlane) on Pin*Bot

    I've tried and been able to alley pass on some other TPA tables but haven't had a use for it. On Pin*Bot, alley passing seems particularly easy and it is the best way, in my opinion, to get to the Sun! From a trap on the right flipper, let the ball roll to the tip of the flipper and then hit it...
  5. Clawhammer

    Table Pack #15 Guesses

    Would love to see Flash Gordon!
  6. Clawhammer

    Android - Bug Gravity too low?

    I wish FS could emulate the special feel of early 80s Ballys and their flippers (tap passes!), but I understand how difficult that would be and only having a few tables on which to implement it would make it even more of a chore.
  7. Clawhammer

    difference between free and paid app

    If you care about the Gamecenter Leaderboards, I would go with the paid because there are many more players on there. Otherwise there is almost no difference.
  8. Clawhammer

    Table Pack #15 Guesses

    I've always seen Champion Pub as CP, but there is technically a 'the' in the name so TCP could work to avoid confusion with Central Park.
  9. Clawhammer

    Say that again...

    I've always loved the taunting inflection when you hit the inlines... only single value?
  10. Clawhammer

    Game breaking bug

    Not much, really. I actually prefer using 2 or 3 three balls to get some extra orbs in reserve and then just hit the queens chamber when I'm down to one. Keeping a controlled multiball with one ball trapped assures not getting a double drain. As far as mid-game strategy, it really is just wash...
  11. Clawhammer

    Tempted for first pin....Centaur

    Oh, its pounds, not USD. Cheap nonetheless.
  12. Clawhammer

    Tempted for first pin....Centaur

    That's about as cheap as you're going to find a Centaur these days, even in that shape. On ebay though, if it sounds too good to be true, it sometimes is... Is it local to you so you can go see it?
  13. Clawhammer

    Bug (or inconsistency) - ORBS Special set incorrectly

    Same experience here, iPhone 4S, newest software. At least the chamber special is easier to earn.
  14. Clawhammer

    I was disappointed when Farsight said they may not do Sorcerer, until tonight maybe!

    Sorcerer isn't coming to TPA? I thought it was a confirmed table. That would be disappointing.
  15. Clawhammer

    Game breaking bug

    Decided to keep playing this table despite my best judgment (can't stop!) It seems that the likelihood of this bug increases when you have 5 balls in play and possibly when you have double drains. I played a long game intentionally trying to stay at 3 balls in play or less and didn't hit the...
  16. Clawhammer

    How does add-a-ball work exactly?

    The in game instructions do a good job of explaining the ORBS and release rules.
  17. Clawhammer

    Request BATMAN (1991)

    Gotta agree, big license and a not so popular game make DE Batman a near impossibility. Not one of the better DE games in my opinion, but not the worst either.
  18. Clawhammer

    Table Pack #15 Guesses

    Definitely CP and WW

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