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  1. Tabe

    Isn't it about time for us to find out what the March tables are?

    I've been playing the heck out of Sorcerer's Lair since this past weekend. While I definitely don't think every Zen table is fabulous, SL is. I'm willing to compromise a bit on physics in return for significantly better graphics, flippers that are actually responsive, balls that go the correct...
  2. Tabe

    Round 6: Post Your Questions for Bobby King

    Bobby, do you think Farsight's level of communication on all fronts (Kickstarter, Facebook, e-mail, support, this forum) is up to the level you'd like and, if not, what specific steps are you taking to address it? Tabe
  3. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    Have you tried Sorcerer's Lair? To me, that one feels like a table that could easily be one in real life (albeit with a couple tweaks). I spent a lot of time this weekend playing it and loved it. That's in stark contrast to the four initial tables for Zen and Zen 2, which I did not (and do...
  4. Tabe

    PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

    First and foremost, the blu ray drive. In 2006, they were obscenely expensive. Now, they cost basically nothing. Secondly, the hard drive will be cheaper. Third, by using non-proprietary equipment for the most part, Sony will save on components across the board. Tabe
  5. Tabe

    Twilight Zone Kickstarter Redemption

    Hey, they could be going all Hostess upside your head. Tabe
  6. Tabe

    Advice for first video pinball game

    Until this weekend, my recommendation on PS3 would have been Pinball Arcade by a mile. Now...not so sure. This weekend, I spent a lot of time playing 3 of the newest Zen Pinball tables - Sorceror's Lair, Paranormal, and Plants vs Zombies. Of the three, IMHO, Sorceror's Lair is the best and it...
  7. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    Yeah, it's not "real pinball" but that Boba Fett game looks like a lot of fun. I'll be giving it a try for sure. Reminds me of Alien Crush and Devil's Crush on the TG-16. That's a (very) good thing. Tabe
  8. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    Nice. Not an issue for me but I know other people have griped about this. Tabe
  9. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    That's why, on the PS3 anyway, I hit the castle from the right flipper using an indirect shot off the drawbridge sides. Indirect hit works pretty much every time. Tabe
  10. Tabe

    PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

    I gotta be honest - Knack, to me, looked like a PS3 game. Was not impressed at all. Was REALLY unimpressed with "The Witness" and that awful move video/demo. I was very impressed with Killzone, Watch Dogs, and the "Deep Down" clip from Capcom. Also thought Infamous looked great. The videos...
  11. Tabe

    National Pinball Museum Closing

    Sounds like he needs to do a kickstarter. Tabe
  12. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    I hope so, Mike. It's a pretty big oversight/flaw. Tabe
  13. Tabe

    PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

    No backward compatibility for PS3 games. They maybe will have something in the cloud Gaikai service to allow playing of ALL games from every Sony game console. Showing the new Killzone game now and it looks fantastic. Tabe
  14. Tabe

    PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

    Lots of great social interaction and massive changes/improvements to the PSN/sharing aspects. Live watching of your friends' games, easy sharing of gameplay footage and more... Tabe
  15. Tabe

    PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

    PS4 is official. x86 CPU, 8 gigs of DDR5 RAM, so form of PC CPU and "a hard drive". Dualshock 4 is basically what we saw in the leaked images with a touchpad, a light bar, headphone jack, and a share button. A bit more streamlined than the leaked images. Tabe
  16. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    I agree with you. As the purveyor of a few of the attacks, I will do my best to try and keep things to constructive criticism in the future. Tabe
  17. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    I'm going to half-agree with you, Mike and give a half-apology. I don't mean that to sound nearly as obnoxious as it might so please hear me out: While my comment was directed in response to a quote from you, it was not directed at you personally. Hence my use of "we" in my comment. You're...
  18. Tabe

    Free $10 Playstation Store Credit

    Yep, totally legit. I got mine last night and redeemed the code. Not sure what I'll spend the $10 on - probably a couple of the new tracks for Rocksmith and then the next TPA pack. Tabe
  19. Tabe

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    Man, if that just doesn't scream "we don't even understand the platform on which we're releasing software". Good grief. Tabe
  20. Tabe

    Quality Assurance

    Here ya go: Tabe

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