They're just really, really, REALLY badly textured objects. Take a look at the screenshots in the original post. Those "yellow & green lines" are actually supposed to be plastic walls/barriers. But, man, in the mobile screenshot, they sure do look like something somebody drew in using MS...
I know that, as a kid anyway, this was part of the reason I shied away from pinball in arcades. I had a table at home (Strat-o-Flite) and one at my grandmother's (Mystic Marvel) and loved playing those. But in the arcade? No way.
For me, it's either Tesla or Shaman. Now, admittedly, I have not played every title, but I HAVE played Paranormal and like it a lot more than those other two. Tesla and Shaman both seem to have an awful lot of either ridiculously obscure/hard goals and extremely repetitive action. I think the...
Ah, Hercules. Sounds like such a great concept until you actually play the thing. I remember being so stoked to try it when I first saw the machine at Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum in Michigan. That feeling lasted about 3 seconds, LOL.
Spoonman, I think your scenario is pretty close to what we'll get when the PS4 goes live. Sony needs to recoup the $380m they spent on Gaikai so I can see them charging a fee for emulation. I definitely agree, though, that most of our stuff will get emulated or transferred at some point...
On the PSN blog, it has been confirmed that a $49.99 purchase will trigger the $10 reward as well.
That means that now is the perfect time to renew your PS+ subscription if you haven't already. You get 3 free months with it (Until March 4th) so 15 months for $49.99 and you get a $10 reward...
In Zen (not Zen 2), on the first tables especially, the ball felt like a boulder. It would barely bounce, you could flip it hard at something and it would reverse direction from gravity/weight, etc.
In Zen 2, that's been addressed. The ball is still too heavy to some degree in that it's...
The sound in general needs work in Zen. I've adjusted the music volume to be louder and it still is way too quiet. There's far too many times where the tables are just too quiet in general. They're really busy, active tables and yet the sound is often hollow and empty and randomly quiet.
You're right - my phrasing was a little over-the-top. The core question - what steps is Farsight taking to address communication issues? - remains a valid one, however.
I've gone back and edited the question. You were right to call me out. Thanks man.
You referring to Zen or Zen 2? The very latest tables for Zen 2 are a big jump over the earliest Zen tables.
Full 1080p? So what? The actual quality of the textures, the colors, everything is just better with Zen. Higher-res crap is still crap.
That's all great but we're not playing the...
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