While I may complain about games that are $1 per play as much as the next guy, at the end of the day operators need to compensate in some way for inflation and price increases for NIB pins. A local CO pin location has a BIBLE for a buck a play and considering its price tag, its understandable. I...
This reminds me of a thread on a pinball forum I used to post on where somebody said "pinball table" and a pinball term police posted a picture of a playfield that had been turned into a coffee table.
Jumped on board a little late on this one, but glad I did! Excellent game. And thank you Anders, for being so attentive and responding to peoples compliments and concerns; it speaks to your passion and the quality of your company. Here's a few pieces of constructive feedback to make a great game...
Picked this up. If they tweak it to have bounce off the flipper rubbers, the game has potential, in my opinion. Visually, I think it looks quite nice. My biggest issue is the physics, which is much more important to me than looks. It just doesn't feel right. A big part of that is the lack of...
Glad I checked this thread before I got home and bought it. Still oddly tempted for some reason, just to see how abysmal it is. Loves me some Zaccaria; would've liked to not see the license go to waste.
Not sure what this means, haha. Interesting product, I like Zaccaria machines so ill probably pick this up tonight when I'm in a wifi network. Anyone else played it that can speak to the physics?
Thanks for posting! I'm drooling over this pictures.
While I didn't go to TPF, in my experience with conventions the "best in show" awards are usually for condition/quality of a restoration rather than for the game itself. This explains why crimes against pinball, like Hercules, win these...
RFM isn't too bad, SWE1 is abysmal. Both sold fairly well, but Williams was more concerned with the slot machine division of their company that sold much, much better.
I've had the ball fall straight through the right flipper on CFTBL coming out of the return from the Creature ramp during multiball. That may have been fixed in a recent update though.
That about sums it up. It has some fun shots, but the objectives are very linear- collect diamonds ad naeseum, and just about everything on the playfield will do that for you. It probably won't come to TPA because of the license.
Interestingly enough, Haunted House was immortalized in video simulation for PC in the late 90s:
Still looks pretty good, even by todays standards. I'd like to see HH in TPA as well.
There's plenty of Gottlieb EMs I would to like see and some early Solid State, but really none of the Gottlieb DMD games would get my vote. Not even you, Stargate.
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