That happened in Pinball Hall of Fame all the time, especially on Pinbot (it'd actually say "Ball fell off table" on the screen). I assume it's just a glitch in the collision model from the finite frame rate of the physics. Be thankful they at least give you a free replacement.
On Android, I hit the Hideout pretty often coming in from the left, but for some reason I've never managed to make the skill shot off the plunger. It always either loops around or falls back.
Don't recall whether I ever got it in PHoF. I think for a long time I mistakenly thought the skill...
Waiting a little while would also mean that they can explicitly mention the surplus going to Mystery License #3, whether or not it's an explicit stretch goal.
They should hold off on the Star Trek: TNG Kickstarter until they've got some DLC out for the big consoles. Fortunately the PS3 packs are supposed to emerge today, and with luck XBox 360 won't be too many more weeks. But they need to get a good buzz going again about what they're capable of...
I like Space Shuttle; I just like others better. I seem to be unusual in liking Firepower and never warming to Whirlwind.
And as much as the Sorcerer annoys me, it's in a way that keeps me coming back to beat him, so maybe I rated him too low. That guy's even snottier than Rudy.
I think Farsight just needs to have a better process for managing the console releases. It's known to everyone that the console makers are pickier about approving downloads than the mobile people are, and have all sorts of special rules; right or wrong, it's a fact of life. Making sure the...
I don't think anything happened. The news-and-information summary has been saying for some time that the XBox DLC is coming "by mid July", but a few people somehow got the idea that it might appear this week, and were disappointed when it didn't.
Taxi, Pin*Bot, Firepower, Black Knight, Space Shuttle, Whirlwind, Sorcerer.
The Wii release didn't have No Good Gofers, so I have no opinion about that one.
I may be in the minority here, but I actually like Firepower a lot. It's the next step beyond Gorgar: a simple Eighties table that incorporates multiball and lane change. It's easier than Gorgar, though.
But I'm not terribly impatient for it, since I can play it in Pinball Hall of Fame...
Back in the Nineties when I was learning to play, one of the things I had to have drilled into my head was the notion that if you let the ball go ricocheting horizontally between the slingshots, you were in a very bad situation. (To a newbie, it's not obvious, because the reaction is: great...
...It also occurs to me that Ghostbusters would have been an ideal license for Pinball 2000, if it had lasted: you could superimpose semitransparent ghosts on the playfield, and it'd look just like the wonderful ghost effects in the movie.
Gottlieb's Bone Busters Inc. looks to me like the aftermath of a failed attempt to get the Ghostbusters license, or maybe just a knockoff.
It's almost hard to believe that there wasn't a licensed Ghostbusters table. If Ghostbusters 2 had come out about two or three years later, during the...
For a fantasy-pinball game, Rover could rove all over the board. In a real-world table, it could move along a track in a hazardous way, sort of like Drac in Monster Bash. It would have to be something you're at least a little afraid of.
What makes me love this idea is that I can vividly...
This is still present in Android 1.0.9. Now the HUD always turns itself off between individual games; the setting is not persistent even if you don't exit the table.
There may also be a design issue here. On my phone, the in-playfield DMD is too small to read in most of the landscape camera...
Oddly, I just read that Medieval Madness actually had an operator setting specifically to deal with the castle toy being broken. You could advance through the castle-destruction sequence just by hitting the drawbridge (which was easier than with a fully-functioning castle).
I wonder if it was...
Checking a touchscreen in Android is not that hard. The driver and operating system do most of the work for you. Of course I don't know how low- or high-level TPA's screen-reading is, but what it's doing is not that complicated as gestural interfaces go.
I'd guess that a large part of the...
I know that the Pro Pinball games had user-adjustable table-wear settings.
It'd probably be too confusing to actually do this in PA, but it'd be fun for each machine to come with a finite set of instances applying some particular combination of table wear, a malfunctioning switch or two...
Computer/information technology has been accelerating, though I wonder if it isn't approaching a plateau (CPU clock speeds have certainly stopped exponentiating).
I don't think advances in transportation tech has been speeding up since about 1970, except inasmuch as it's been improved by better...
As I said in the "tables that will never be licensed" thread, Space Invaders is particularly problematic in that the real table itself was yanked from production because of a licensing problem: the artwork infringed on Fox's Alien franchise, which is still very much alive. (It was a lot worse...
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