Just want to give a shout out to the fine folks who run and maintain the PPM in Alameda. I made my second-ever visit there yesterday, and left five hours later, and then mainly because my wrists had all but gone numb. The "DMD room" (as I like to think of it) is very popular, and fills up late...
Seconded. I keep feeling like this is a table you'd find at a children's pizza place, spitting out tickets that could be exchanged for prizes. I love pins, and I love difficult machines, but I'm glad this one never made it out of the prototype stage.
Bug in FL2K (free sample)
Table: Flight 2000 (free trial version)
Version: 1.15.1 (beta 16)
Hardware: Nexus 7, not rooted, Android 4.2.2
Bug: scoring limit is triggered sooner than lowest high score
When playing the free trial versions of tables, they quit after the lowest high score amount...
A woodrail/EM pack? I... I need to have a lie-down now.
I know the scripting is a pain compared to ROM emulation.. but my god... the sounds... the wonderful, buzzy/thunky/bellring sounds.
Put me in the "likes it" column, too, though I can't say why, exactly. The sound samples are cheesy and dated, and the multiball is usually over before it starts, but I find I really like the simplicity of the rule set -- just hit the MixMaster, dummy. It's a table that rewards ball control and...
This has happened again at least twice now. Working on reproducing it, but it appears to be connected to a change in orientation while the app is asleep, and then awakened. This is v1.14.1
ETA: it's almost certainly an orientation-change related bug. All games in the season lose their text...
Actually, I'll retract that. The button appears fine, IF you don't have the plunge camera in full-overhead view (camera #2.) I usually leave the camera at this height for plunging.
Right after launching the table from the Season Two menu. I snagged a screenshot (click to embiggen):
Screenshot_2013-06-27-13-54-37 by mpclemens, on Flickr
Re-re-downloading the table fixed it. Must have a been a hiccup between beta uploads, since the text was there last night in 1.14. The...
"Launch Ball" button on Champion Pub is invisible until the ball is actually launched -- just holding down a finger will launch the ball, and then it appears above the playfield view once the ball is in play.
"Dr. Dude's" text is now missing and just has placeholders: "text label" and "Buy Collection", and the buttons are goofed up (two "Cancel" buttons.) Have removed and re-downloaded table but problem persists.
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