Love The Getaway. Not so much for High Speed. My idea of the perfect scenario for these two is to own The Getaway (the real table), and have High Speed's excellent backglass on the wall next to it. Given my finances, I'd be more than happy at the moment for Castles & Coasters to just fix the...
This should be an excellent pack. Both fun tables that are honestly not as great as they're cracked up to be, BUT are still quite good, and coupled instead of each being a headliner with a... less desirable 2nd table, is great.
I only found 6 to vote for. Some tables missing from the list I'd like to have voted for: Four Million B.C., Fireball, Out Of Sight, Grand Prix (Williams 1976), Aladdin's Castle, Old Chicago (I think there are all EM...). Some of these I think are pretty obvious, and most of them I like more...
I think it would be great to see FS work with Dennis Nordman or Mark Ritchie (among others) on an original design... that said anything designed by one of the greats that didn't ever get anything more than a digital version would seem, on a level, like a waste, and a sad statement about the...
Just played there today, so here's my assessment of the tables and their working order:
Whodunnit: In proper working order, played well. Under-appreciated table that is TPA worthy for sure.
Indy '93: Some flipper delay in dropping after a ball-stall on the right flipper, and ball diverted...
I will never understand why F-14 and 8-Ball are so popular, or why they sold so many.
WCS'94, Hurricane, and Jack*Bot are the essentials in this poll for me. Radical!, Paragon and No Fear are my 2nd 3.
only 2 I didn't vote for are High Speed (which has wayyyy too many votes), and Mousin' Around (which as of my vote was in last) - played them both at Zapcon, and they're both train wrecks to me. Besides, HS would just be a diversion from The Getaway (which should have a bigger lead on HS than...
So excited to see STTNG on PS4. Despite the hater thread nearby, I imagine that PS4 will have a 1TB HDD and allow the use of an external HDD for more storage if needed (like Wii U and Xbox Worst Name Ever... er, Xbox One), and other than HDD space I've had no issues with my launch 60GB PS3...
we're a good 6 weeks since we found out it had finally been submitted... and the PS4 version debuts (at least in "check this out - from E3" form) in only a couple more... starting to wonder if I'll bother beyond the core pack (gotta at least test drive it, and support the cause a little)...
I imagine it's a (super) long shot, BUT, I still think FS should try to hook up with DC and get the rights to do all the Batman tables as a counterpoint to Zen's Marvel tables (and I think selling it that way to them is the only way they'd have a chance of getting an even halfway decent deal out...
My Gottlieb wishlist (licenses be damned - not in any order - *= have never actually played it):
1. Class Of 1812 (absolutely love it)
2. Stargate (absolutely love it)
3. Haunted House* (3 levels, 8 flippers, significant classic)
4. Bone Busters, Inc. (really impressed, unique playing game)...
been a couple weeks, seems like next Thurs. is about the soonest it could be out. I'm assuming it will still be a couple longer, given how high a priority it seems to have been for FS, and how great Big N has been about delivering new games in a timely manner... I'll just let the sarcasm drip...
For me, it was between Catacomb and Seawitch, with really no other in contention. I chose Catacomb for the less traditional layout, and the little thing in the backbox. The art was what interested me primarily with my two "finalists", as all of them have pretty old school/simple playfield layouts.
I honestly believe that 1/2 the best games ever made came out of SEGA between 1998-2003. Shenmue, REZ, and Skies of Arcadia all occupy spots in my all-time top 5. Jet Set Radio, JSRF, Gunvalkyrie, Confidential Mission, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, Panzer Dragoon Orta, F355 Challenge, and a...
So The (hopefully) 1st Annual Zapcon in Phoenix has come and went, and all-in-all, it was fantastic. Seemed pretty well attended, so that should bode well for a return next year.
Some here's some impressions of some of the pins that were there:
Twilight Zone - Overrated, but still pretty...
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