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  1. wizard33

    News about John Trudeau
  2. wizard33

    7.4.0 - First impressions

    Just tried 7.4.0 - RBION is definetely broken - apparently, the scroll-up bug has been fixed in the table choice menu: you can actually use the upper arrow and not forced to use the mouse (the bug always came after playing, when you go back)
  3. wizard33

    Request Credit Tracking

    I think credits tracking to buy stuff is a bad idea. Simply, if you earn 1 or 2 credits at the end of a game, you can *immediately* use them, as if you were clicking on Start It makes no differences. but still you have the joy to see you can use this credit for another play (like in real life)
  4. wizard33

    California Extreme is coming soon!

    The pinball list is impressive. Especially Varkon. Super rare pinball in an arcade cabinet
  5. wizard33

    Season 7 (7.2.0) First impressions

    I have not updated to 7.2.0, but I can say that the plunger issue was present in 7.1.0 for the 1st time ever: the 1st launch is not at 100% of power so you have to 2nd launch each time, each table.
  6. wizard33

    Table Pack #64 Speculation

    My vote also for Fire. Champagne edition here:
  7. wizard33

    New Mac version in the works?

    Just tested 7.1.0: on El Capitan you can actually change the controller/keyboard buttons But it doesnt work in Sierra. Impossible to change anything
  8. wizard33

    Fantasy Poll: Buy A Pinball Table!

    if Mustang is too old, I would get Games of Thrones (maybe Pro)
  9. wizard33

    24h, Rolling Stones and Indiana Jones

    Quick video (and 3 table requests in the same time. Woohoo!!)
  10. wizard33

    TPA 6.10.0 - What's fixed? What isn't?

    Usually Steam is faster than the Apple Store. 1st time Steam is late
  11. wizard33

    TPA 6.10.0 - What's fixed? What isn't?

    Very cool. Thanks.
  12. wizard33

    TPA Tables You've Played For Real

    What I've played IRL: S0: ToM (big nostalgia on this one) RBION S1: AfM TZ SS Harley 3rd Taxi MB CV (pinball in poor condition) MM S2: CBW T2 GN FP TOff S3: HS BR FT S4: XE TAF S5: HS2 S6: (none)
  13. wizard33

    Request Gottlieb Pro Football

    I'm not much a fan of symmetric tables. (Left/right mirrored)
  14. wizard33

    Stern iOS bug fix update on App Store

    Even more sadly, it's not ported on OSX
  15. wizard33

    Season 7 most wanted.

    Ouch. Please not ! My 3 choices only: Johnny Mnemonic (I think has big chances to come) The Who's Tommy Pinball Wiz (few chances i think) Indiana Jones The Pinball Adv (possibly has chances)
  16. wizard33

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    I'm surprised with High Speed. Normally, it should be better rated than HS2: Getaway
  17. wizard33

    TPA 6.10.0 - What's fixed? What isn't?

    The "go back" button is fixed but one bug still remains in the UI: scrolling up to choose the table
  18. wizard33

    New Official Poll: Pick the first table of season 7

    from the pics at IPDB, I would vote for Embryon Edit: just voted at the poll
  19. wizard33

    Favorite Premier/Gottlieb in TPA Post Season 6 Redux

    CBW for nostalgia

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