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  1. wizard33


    here are mines in the last post english is not my native language, btw
  2. wizard33

    TPA (steam version) Mac vs Windows?

    To get a Mac OSX version similar to Windows, and not a silly iOS port, I made a little movie which is a pledge to get nudging buttons for Mac OSX
  3. wizard33

    TPA (steam version) Mac vs Windows?

    on Mac, there is this awful nudging method using the mouse. That being said, I can't see any "major" trouble If only the 2 nudge buttons could be configured on the keyboard.. let's hope that is implemented in v4 for Mac
  4. wizard33

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - GOTTLIEB/PREMIER*

    just for fun voting, based from ipmdb images: Barb Wire Frank Thomas Big Hurt Shaq Attaq Stargate Waterworld Mario Andretti Rescue 911
  5. wizard33

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    Cue-Ball Wizard 38th. argh .. it deserves better that being said, I agree for the first 5 .. maybe in a different order but it's very close
  6. wizard33

    Higher pitched music/sounds - Reboot

    agreed. TPA is completely digital and might sound faster; not only the speakers, also the ROMs commanding the sounds/voices in the original tables.
  7. wizard33

    Please fix these known bugs for MAC OSX users

    Here are a few bugs, I guess Mac-specific 1) WHO Dunnit: sometimes a hard shot will throw the ball out of the pinball table, visible during 2 secs. This is just a graphic glitch since the ball comes back, normally. 2) Attack from mars: possibly if you lose a ball but you have an extra ball...
  8. wizard33

    Season 3 Poll Satisfactions

    the ringmaster maybe ?
  9. wizard33

    Season 4 Most Wanted Tables

    voted for Xenon and High Speed II Expecting to see Tommy's The Who pinball table one day...
  10. wizard33

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    Why is TAF greatly apreciated ? it's a Pat Lawlor. Period. Think about Twilight Zone.. Theatre Magic.. etc The movie could be the stupidest in the world, the pinball comes from a Master.
  11. wizard33

    What table was better than you expected?

    Cue-Ball Wizard The real pinball machine was ultra expensive, like 5000 $ and had some scratches on it so I totally gave up buying it The digital table in TPA is just amazing.
  12. wizard33

    Most Wanted Feature? Dream with me...

    My urgent request for the Mac version: nudging with keys, not the mouse. Another "dreaming" request would be a table editor where fans could create their owns and share them. And the customizable buttons, especially on screens where no buttons are functionning (like the 1P/2P players switch)
  13. wizard33

    Buttons configuration on Mac

    I'd like to ask if possible to have more configurable buttons, such as tilting left and right. Also, when you play for example at 2 players, when you switch between P1 and P2 there is a screen you have to click with the mouse; you can't use the spacebar or any key; it's very annoying especially...

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