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  1. wizard33

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    apparently there is a bug in BSD for Mac: when you press Start to launch the ball, it also switches the lock/unlock screen button. happens only on this table afaik
  2. wizard33

    Table of the Week Club...week 3: ATTACK FROM MARS

    5 RTUs is a lot. I think I can make 2 only.
  3. wizard33

    WORKING SOLUTION for slow down bug on Yosemite!

    as said earlier, ditching with preferences is a solution. We know it for 3 or 4 months. Any change will work, not necessarily a 90° flip. Sometimes, just quitting and relaunching the games works too
  4. wizard33

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    played it just a few days ago. Oddly, a nearby restaurant has it :cool:
  5. wizard33

    Shoot The Magic DRUNK

    I think it's "do you want to see my horse? "
  6. wizard33

    BUG: TPA 4.10 and Yosemite, Tables extremely slow.

    not sure if App Nap is just for laptops, I think it's for any Macs. Here is some info here: Also, if you get the slowdown problem, it's always useful to quit and relaunch TPA: that also worked for me.
  7. wizard33

    BUG: TPA 4.10 and Yosemite, Tables extremely slow.

    There's a quick fix that worked for me: simply disable App Nap for TPA ! to do so: in your Applications folder select TPA and press  + i to get info and in the info window check the App Nap to disable it.
  8. wizard33

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    in my opinion, Pat Lawlor is one of the best. But he didn't create a lot of tables. Look at Jon Norris: he made much more and also ... errrk .. Lights, Camera.. Action ! look at the PL tables here: these are "only" good...
  9. wizard33

    Pinball FLYERS

    please an url with a movie with Dolly Parton playing pinball .. :cool:
  10. wizard33

    X-Arcade on iMac?

    just keep in mind that you can remap any button. it takes 2 seconds to configure a button to act as a left/right arrow
  11. wizard33

    OSX Version 4.1.1

    about nudging buttons, actually I found out that there are Z (Y for my keyboard) and / buttons for nudging left/right. This is like a pain in the ass if you play with the keyboard .. but .. on pinball device it's 2 seconds to configure (it's powered with an IPAC 32 and I use MacIPAC to configure...
  12. wizard33

    Pinball FLYERS

    you are only 2 (worldwide)
  13. wizard33

    Most difficult Wizard Goal - a poll

    another one not listed: Rule The Universe .. in Attack from Mars
  14. wizard33

    OSX Version 4.1.1

    slowdowns and sudden accelerations, I can only see them on the 13" MacBook Pro. The 17" MBP doesn't have the bug.
  15. wizard33

    OSX Version 4.1.1

    about the scroll up problem, sometimes you would go back and forth and then it works again. But the bug is present. Also, I wish FS will add one day the keyboard buttons for NUDGING !!
  16. wizard33

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    maybe TZ has some magnetic stuff .. tools don't fall or something :p
  17. wizard33

    Mac - Request App Store Version anytime soon?

    same thread here: but yes: it's been 2 weeks now that the OSX version is late.
  18. wizard33

    I HATE Lightening Flippers! Who Else Agrees?

    a big no start and plunger, big yes
  19. wizard33

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    takes some time .. and still nothing
  20. wizard33

    If you were on a deserted island...

    just Attack from Mars and Cue-Ball Wizard

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