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  1. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.6 [iOS/Android]

    ++1 Please make it an option or just dump it. It drives me crazy.
  2. Reagan Dow

    Request Williams FIRE!

    +1. Although I've never played irl I'd sure love to have it in TPA.
  3. Reagan Dow

    So Zen visited Stern today...

    Agreed. If Zen were to recreate current Stern tables I have to wonder if they would be able to control themselves and not add in all the useless and obnoxious animation!!
  4. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...Week 21: TWILIGHT ZONE

    Invitro-which ball is that? Is it in the season 2 pack ? Looks like it may be near impossible to follow since it looks like it's reflecting everything it rolls over? Also, how did you get three balls up there?
  5. Reagan Dow

    GAME CENTER (Centre) IDs

    Game Center id. Rags or rags1 , can't remember for sure
  6. Reagan Dow

    Pinball Magazine Presents the Pinball Book by Santiago Ciuffo

    I received my copy for my birthday in December of 2014 and I still crack it open very frequently and drool over the amazing photography. Well worth the $60 here in the USA (it weighs a ton) and Jonathan is a consummate gentleman who will always answer your questions etc very quickly! Great Book...
  7. Reagan Dow


    NO DOUBT!! Great call.
  8. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.5 [iOS/Android]

    These are the times (only) that I wish I had the Android system!! ;)
  9. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.5 [iOS/Android]

    I agree Shawn, very cool looking table. I also like the colors on the play field for pinball champ (83), great artwork too.
  10. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.5 [iOS/Android]

    Sweet!! Thanks again for such awesome support Zsolt. Has this been sent to Apple as well? Looking forward to all these great changes and new tables!!
  11. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...Week 19: EL DORADO CITY OF GOLD

    SYT. Can't believe it only took you 30 min to finish all the goals. I've been stuck at 1.5 mil and still have the extra ball to finish my STANDARD goals. Admittedly I played this table quite a bit when I first got it but since then I play it once or twice per month, 10-20min per shot. Going to...
  12. Reagan Dow

    Xenon pack bugs

    Me too! It must be an android thing.
  13. Reagan Dow

    The LEAST popular table you want to come to The Pinball Arcade

    Mine would have to be Flash Gordon. It's got great art work and a really cool upper play field. Hopefully someone from FS will take notice and agree with me!
  14. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...Week 19: EL DORADO CITY OF GOLD

    Damn! I wish I had a PC right now! ;)
  15. Reagan Dow

    BlahCade Podcast #18 - Two and Done

    You're download numbers are awesome......just like the show!! Keep up these interesting and informative shows. Love 'em!!
  16. Reagan Dow

    Bad Cats (all platform request)

    IMHO I think either bad cats or mousin' would be a great addition to TPA. Perhaps both at some point!
  17. Reagan Dow

    First Impressions

  18. Reagan Dow

    The ABCs of Pinball

    Give us a tough one. Just started to read this the first two but I know you got a tough one in ya!! I have faith, sir!

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