Join the club!!!
This is my most favorite table. This table was the reason I begged to work at Silverball Arcade in Worcester when I was 15!!! I'm pumped. Last week was awesome too!!! I'm back baby.
Also when running TPA make sure EVERY other application is completely shut down. Ie: rapidly hit bottom button twice. Scroll through anything that isn't TPA and take your finger and slip up while touching whatever pep is on the screen such as mail or safari.
I always update on my phone first and "sniff" around to make sure things are ok. Then I do my iPad if it passes the smell test! Just sharing one way to do things if you have multiple devices. Another is to have both the paid version and the free version on your devise and update only one and...
Last month amazingly it was ready on the following Friday. I wonder if they got it earlier then that and waited until Friday for some reason and B) since this is now I think the fifth table that has been delayed this season, perhaps FS could send the Apple version in for approval a little...
Yeah yeah, I never got a chance other then bride of pinbot and out a a terrible game 39,000,000 in that ballpark. Ended up having to drive to New York. Between losing all my data this week and even though I backed up a week a go, when I restored I had ONKY 1700 HOF points, no high scores and...
What time do we have until? FYI. My scores may be the top scores on some of the tables as I just lost all my data even though I backed up remotely last week for some reason when I restored I only had goals and high scores on two of 56 tables. Living Hell! Anyway, don't think I'm cheating if you...
Has anyone been able to find the OSX version? The newsletter says it's available but I don't see it. I figured I'd buy it for my Power Book while waiting for iOS.
We've got to continue campaigning for A.S.K. To do more tables (older EM's) once they run out of Zac tables. Haven't had a chance to listen to the new Blachcade with Zsolt's interview, did he mention anything about continuing on with other tables once they finish up the Zac EM's?
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