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  1. Sean DonCarlos

    March TotM sign-ups now open!

    Because that turned out well...
  2. Sean DonCarlos

    Table pack #37 speculation

    This. There's a Jack*Bot on location here. The cards are in the same order as the playfield.
  3. Sean DonCarlos

    March TotM sign-ups now open!

    It'd be a poor bet; I'm out of town this weekend.
  4. Sean DonCarlos

    timeframe on dx11

    There's a line between criticism and abuse. Some of you have crossed it, and your posts have been deleted. Keep it civil, folks.
  5. Sean DonCarlos

    BlahCade Podcast #16 - Drunken Farmer

    Apparently I need to work on a more dynamic delivery, if I'm putting so many people to sleep.
  6. Sean DonCarlos

    Reconsidering forum name

    The reason so much Zaccaria discussion takes place here is that ASK Homework, so far as I know, does not maintain its own forums, so we've become their de facto home on the Internet in addition to TPA's. While I don't think anyone has any objection to this arrangement, they're still just guests...
  7. Sean DonCarlos

    Farsight, we're breaking up - It's not me, it's you...

    I guess I've just learned to enjoy TPA for what it is, and try not to think too much of what it could have been. The thrill is definitely long gone, though.
  8. Sean DonCarlos

    BlahCade Podcast #16 - Drunken Farmer

    iTunes sometimes takes up to 24 hours before new episodes register in the Podcasts app. Annoying, but we haven't found a way to speed up the process.
  9. Sean DonCarlos

    Farsight what's going on with the next table? Photos,Beta,release date?

    They haven't stopped. The next table's currently in beta testing. I wouldn't expect to see it any earlier than the 27th.
  10. Sean DonCarlos

    Official Poll For New Difficulty Mode

    The limit for RBION is 10 extra balls over the course of the game.
  11. Sean DonCarlos

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Table Pack # 3 - Monster Bash / Gorgar
  12. Sean DonCarlos

    Anyone have a game they find hard that a lot of people say is easy?

    Assuming you're talking about TZ's Powerball here, that's actually more realistic than you think. The real table's Powerball often will fly over the flippers if you rebound it off a bumper or standup. In addition to being nonmagnetic, it's 20% lighter than a standard pinball and likes to go...
  13. Sean DonCarlos

    Anyone have a game they find hard that a lot of people say is easy?

    Medieval Madness. I see scores in the multi-billions with multiple trips through Battle for the Kingdom, yet I've never managed more than 550M and I've only completed BftK once. Although part of the issue is I play mainly on iOS, and the lack of controller support (and consequent lack of fine...
  14. Sean DonCarlos

    Official Poll For New Difficulty Mode

    Am I the only one who finds Medieval Madness plenty difficult enough as is?
  15. Sean DonCarlos

    BREAKING NEWS: New Difficulty Mode w/ Separate Leaderboards Coming!

    They discovered while creating the Gold version of TAF that this process is more involved than they thought. So they want to do the tables most in need of a difficulty increase first.
  16. Sean DonCarlos

    PBA : Free Camera Mod

    It's not FarSight I think would have an issue (although this mod would compete with one of the features of the Pro mode) so much as their lawyers might. IP law is tricky, and in some cases if you don't vigorously defend your IP, you may lose the right to do so in the future.
  17. Sean DonCarlos

    PBA : Free Camera Mod

    While the masses are clearly hungry for this, you may want to secure FarSight's legal blessing before distributing/releasing anything. Intellectual property law is notoriously thorny, and even if FarSight is OK in principle with your mod, they may be forced to disallow it for legal reasons.
  18. Sean DonCarlos

    Mixing games on real life tables

    Shrek and Family Guy are the exact same physical machine. Look at pictures of the playfields. Everything's in the same place, it's just different art. That's the only reason why it works with those two machines. ROMs are not generally interchangeable like that, even between the Pro/Premium/LE...
  19. Sean DonCarlos

    Does the player's value coincide with his record?

    Not exactly what you're asking, fosforo, but I think you'll find it an interesting read: Lost in the Zone: Why You Don't Achieve at Least Half Your High Score at Least Half the Time
  20. Sean DonCarlos

    timeframe on dx11

    Damn it, now I'm hungry.

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