Good to hear it's coming along! I cant wait to play on PC with a controler more suited to nudge than my Kindle; where in the heat of battle my fingers miss the flippers at critical moments .
Right now ; Dan Brown 's Inferno. He needs a new plot line to develop although the story of Dante's influence is nicely developed. Good to see some Jack Reacher fans here. ( For being a wee small human being Cruise did play the role well )
Device/OS: Kindle Fire HD
Bug Description: Bad stuttering with both Champion Pub and Whirlwind . Start screen lags at end of game to restart next
Steps To Reproduce: Play either game, happens almost every time
Frequency: often
Additional Comments:
Took me a few tries to get onto jump rope. I use just the right flipper and wait a beat until its almost to the ball and then flip. Doesn't seem to lag now.
I wonder if there is a way to join the beta test Steam for non kickstarters; I'm dying to test it and have a really good Comp. Even was in the early beta testers for War Thunder and several other games over the years.
I love target pinball! I have one wizard goal remaining to complete and that is the 250,000 one. This is one of those tables though if it isn't even close to working I go to another; that and that block head Rudy in Fun House. Rudy just annoys the hell out of me :mad:
No idea how it looked on the old Fire but the Kindle Fire HD is gorgeous! Plays like a dream except for Black Hole which seems to have an issue with fps ( at least for me)
Good to meet you MontannaFrank. Living near Yellowstone and having pinball ; I'd call you a very fortunate person. Don't about being wordy; all the post's of yours seem polite ,well thought out and informative
Yeh reading the responses was a little off putting! I am a new to TPA ; not a noob to gaming. As a golf course superintendent I've learned to have thick skin and as a online gamer from the days off dial-up I've never failed to be amazed at the cavalier attitude ppl can exhibit. With that said...
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