You protest too much. It's obvious you're in love with this machine.
And no... Harley Davidson has the worst music. Ever. Jam-an-ice-pick-in-my-ear bad.
Seems like getting the O from above is all about luck. I think the best strategy is to approach it from below at every opportunity.
So when the ball is flying towards the right flipper, just raise the flipper and hold, and hope for the best. If the ball is moving fast enough sometimes you get...
If you send a third ball into the lock lane, the first ball is ejected, and always travels through the leftmost upper lane.
Hitting the lock lane is pretty easy from the right flipper.
Getting the ball onto the right flipper is pretty easy if you just let the ball bounce off the left flipper...
When I first found TPA there were like 10 tables... and I wasn't sure which ones I should buy.
Now if they asked for payment up front for the next 100 tables I would sign up.
This Kickstarter is never gonna succeed. Can't FarSight do anything right? OMG I hate them so much!!!
Oh... and I can't wait for the next table pack! Even if it means I have to stop destroying Centaur for a while. :D
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