Flight 2000/Goin Nuts tomorrow?

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Flight2000 is fast. Crazy fast! I've played two different ones in real life and they are not anything like that fast. Think big old slow wide body, like Genie. Still, good job on the conversion.
I suppose that's better than making it obscenely easy, but it looks like they might have CCed this one, and made another table much harder (and thus less fun) than the real thing.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Do not change anything on Flight 2000. It is perfect. No multiball yet for me. Had it down to 2 on the countdown. Love it!!!! Stay away from the sides to slow it down.
Only thing I noticed is the 4th view didn't show the lanes on the side. Will be staying away from that one.


New member
May 10, 2012
Much better pack than expected. At first glance Flight 2000 looked a bit fast, but it is a pretty easy table. I got all the wizard goals on the 4th or 5th try (perhaps I was a bit lucky since I got 3 of the 5 wizard goals on one ball)

I think if they had slowed the play down this table would have become way to easy. Fun table and easy to understand rules. Now if only there had been something to go for in multiball, it would have been even better.

Going nuts is fun but I am not sure how long it will keep the excitement level up. Better than expected though. Overall I am not disappointed :)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I mentioned the sling power and speed of Flight during the iOS beta. But I think it's necessary to keep it from being too easy. It's still easier than the real thing. Starting multiball on a real Flight 2000 is crazy hard.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
For me it is not so much the flippers as how tight the lock shot is. Lots of bricks or shots that aren't quite clean enough to make it all the up. Misses are a little more forgiving to me on TPA as well. Spelling blastoff isn't all that easy to do on three balls too. I know they are often set to five ball, but all the ones I've played we're set to three. To me it's right up there with Firepower as far as tough to start multiball.

I'm also not the best player, but these are my impressions.
I like the TPA version a lot.


Oct 29, 2012
Boy, tell you what...I'm really enjoying F2K. When you get that multiball things get real. Finding myself playing these pre-DMD games more and more. Even spending time with GN which is interesting. Bring on Sorcerer, Paragon and SeaWitch!


New member
Jul 28, 2012
I agree with many that this pack stinks. I liked the one old table and a more recent table that they used to do. I figured they were going to throw a bunch of old tables in together when they offered the season pack. You could save a dollar a table by buying the season pack, but I saved $5 and memory on my iPad by not buying this pack. I can't wait for T2 and I hear we will be getting Addams family! Nice!


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I understand why people don't want to buy packs but at the same time I don't. The price is no more than 5 credits on a real pinball table (at least here in Sweden).

I spent 27 euros on my vacation playing in an arcade. This pro pack set me back 5,5 euros ;)


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Boy, tell you what...I'm really enjoying F2K. When you get that multiball things get real. Finding myself playing these pre-DMD games more and more. Even spending time with GN which is interesting. Bring on Sorcerer, Paragon and SeaWitch!


Can't stop playing Flight 2000. Getting multiball feels like an achievement each time. And the speed is awesome!

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I love that you have to work at getting the multiball instead of it being something you'll stumble across eventually by shooting the ball up a ramp enough times.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
GN has been a pleasant surprise. It plays great and the timed aspect works once you get used to it.

Hit shots or game over.

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