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  1. Sean

    Wizard goals possible after St. Within same game

    I'd like the option at least. In the meantime I'm still pursuing my first post-Standard 750k+ game of Firepower!
  2. Sean

    What is the best voiceover performance in The Pinball Arcade? (Part II)

    "Hey get that patch, man!" - I would if I hadn't just triggered yet another multi-ball round!
  3. Sean

    CV bugs break the game

    The sad thing is the table wasn't this buggy when first released (iOS anyway) - I mean there were some tweaks needed because it was too easy, but as of the 2nd or third update you had this weirdness with the high wire multi ball and plunger lock issues that have never gone away. This table and...
  4. Sean

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    If not for the reticence on EMs they could re-release Ace High, which was a table I quite enjoyed from the Gottlieb collection - more than Central Park.
  5. Sean

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - WILLIAMS*

    That does look kinda fun and I like the wide-open playfield. Already voted though - sorry!
  6. Sean

    Request Any chances to see more Stern tables in TPA?

    I think the fact I've had little success with the final wizard goal (1000pts on a single ball - which I'd bet I got on launch day during my first marathon play of it) is why I've not played it in ages. I love the classic "ding-ding" pinball sounds it makes!
  7. Sean

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - WILLIAMS*

    How easy is it to license Mr. Eastwood's voice/likeness? I'd much rather have Dirty Harry than Terminator 2!
  8. Sean

    No Release Date Yet?

    They do let other companies work on their IP: Namco is doing the next Smash Bros. game and they did an arcade version of Mario Kart. You're just not going to see that stuff on another platform. Now if Farsight was going to make the Mario pinball game exclusive to the Wii U edition of TPA, I bet...
  9. Sean

    Table Pack #28 Speculation

    It's also worth noting that although many of us are familiar with the console collections they put out years ago, for a lot of players I'm willing to bet something like Sorcerer would be brand-new. I just think five bucks is an easier sale when there's two machines and what better way to test...
  10. Sean

    Request More Williams SYSTEM 11 tables please

    True, for some IP-holders it's an investment - they just buy cheap film and TV catalogues hoping to make a buck here and there. MST3K episodes are a good case in point: they're riffing movies no one would see otherwise and once they started putting them on DVD some rights-holders were like...
  11. Sean

    What is the best voiceover performance in The Pinball Arcade? (Part II)

    Between the audio and the artwork it's just a really ugly machine. I really wish they'd have opted for an older Stern instead, though I know this table has its fans.
  12. Sean

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - WILLIAMS*

    Well I voted for it along with Defender, Johnny Mnemonic and Joust. Of the four I've only ever played Johnny Mnemonic; whilst I'm not the biggest fan of the film the machine was a lot of fun, surprisingly. Dirty Harry looks like a good use of the license and an interesting machine. Defender is...
  13. Sean

    Season 3 Poll Satisfactions

    Cyclone is pretty much my only "must have" table remaining with the possible exception of Eight Ball Deluxe. Outside of that I don't really care what's coming, but I do hope we'll see some more early solid state stuff now that the most popular non-licensed DMD machines are in there. Centaur and...
  14. Sean

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #2 - Williams (Closed)

    True, but that might be more of a pain to organise. If the polling software allowed additions from people other than the poll creator I think that would achieve what you're looking for.
  15. Sean

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    I was really hoping we'd have seen Eight Ball Deluxe by now. Yes it would be a third table with a billiards theme, but it's the most iconic table with a billiards theme. Shocking that it wasn't the first one out the gate!
  16. Sean

    Classic Stern Poll - Official FarSight Poll (Closed)

    They really should bring Catacomb and Seawitch to TPA...
  17. Sean

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - WILLIAMS*

    Yeah and for all that Time Warner Interactive owns them they don't seem to give a crap about them outside of Mortal Kombat and that appalling arcade app on iOS (and presumably Android). So sad that I need to use MAME to play those classics. Off-topic, but I'd love to see Farsight try their hand...
  18. Sean

    So much for the Wii's "Greatness"...

    They've still got the logo on the website and if they got far enough into development to talk about sending it off for approval then I wouldn't rule it out yet. I have zero interest in talking about nonsense like system specs. The Wii U has a great library of games - I'm spoiled for choice; so...
  19. Sean

    Table Pack #28 Speculation

    I love Sorcerer, it was one of my faves in the Williams collection once I warmed up to it. Can't beat a nice, loud solid state machine; I think that one, Firepower and Space Shuttle were my most played tables on that disc.
  20. Sean

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - WILLIAMS*

    I mailed in that suggestion years ago and got the nice, but non-committal "thanks for the suggestion." A lot of the sound effects for the arcade game seem to be stock sound effects Williams used in their pinball games. Probably one of the reasons I like Firepower so much!

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