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  1. Bonzo

    DLC Release Date

    The "strange reason" might be, that TPA is a great concept that delivers countless hours of fun for little money?
  2. Bonzo

    TPAF Audio Interview With Bobby King (Round 1)

    We did. WIP title was "the pinball barcade" and you were already our designated host, syt. ;)
  3. Bonzo

    Pa '65

    Welcome to the fold.
  4. Bonzo

    Any TPA Tables You Regret Buying?

    ...ich bereue nichts. Wich is German for...
  5. Bonzo

    Hi from the UK

    Welcome to the fold.
  6. Bonzo

    Advice for first video pinball game

    And by rbot he means Revenge of the Rob-o-bot. It's great, indeed!
  7. Bonzo

    1 Ball Challenge

    2,998,900. Then the left outlane got me... :(
  8. Bonzo

    Round 6: Vote on your questions for Bobby King

    Thanks Jeff! And please show some love for those poor Vita owners, people! Don't they deserve a statement from Bobby?
  9. Bonzo


    Welcome to the fold.
  10. Bonzo

    Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies

    It's called pro-active customer retention. It's why my dentist gives sweets to children after they paid him a visit...
  11. Bonzo


    Bah! How about a Sabbath table? Or even better at least two. One for the first few years with Ozzy and another one themed around the Dio, Gillan and Martin eras. Snowblind frenzy, Iron Man multiball, Hole in the Sky skillshot...
  12. Bonzo

    Ugly carpet

    Nooooo! I need that carpet! It's a better plunger scale than... well... the plunger scales.
  13. Bonzo

    The Official Xbox LIVE Gamertag Thread

    Um... I've just added a few of you guys via my Win8 PC to have someone to compare PFX2 SW scores with. Unfortunately I was either too stupid to add a comment to my friend requests or there's no way to do that for Win8 users. My gamertag is Drecksclown.
  14. Bonzo


    Welcome to the fold.
  15. Bonzo

    The Music Video Thread

    ...or this?
  16. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Dammit, Heretic. Don't you dare being ping timeouted just when I enter the room!
  17. Bonzo

    Hi All

    Welcome to the fold.
  18. Bonzo

    Hello, from a new pinball lover

    Welcome to the fold.
  19. Bonzo

    Side by side comparison with a real table

    Great read indeed. I'd very much like reading more on other tables.

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